Joeys pov

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A/n my friend @dorky-rebel posted a new story called insane its an amazing story so far that she posted today please go check it out and thanks for all the support I've been having a really tough time and let's just say it isn't not going to leave a scar but I am grateful that u guys care about this book now enough talking and back to the story

I woke up to hear familiar voices outside the door that last thing I remember is the attack and that vamp I don't know who it is but I hope to thank them in the future my body felt numb and my stupid self decided ' hey let's try to stand and walk around ' big mistake I took two steps and fell making a thud sound then hearing rustling then the door to the room and in walked in a very nervous Tyler and Daniel wtf is he doing here I know he's my boyfriend still but how did he know I was hurt I immediately mind linked Tyler and asked
J- Tyler what the hell is daniel doing here you told him I was attacked
T- wow first off are you ok second do you not know who found you in your wolf form
I had to think for a little bit before I responded with this
J- how did he know I would be running outside
T- he didn't he was worried that you weren't ok after the visit and went for a run when he heard the gun shot and a whimper he ran towards it and found you he didn't know it was you so when I showed up and shifted he grew nervous and came back with us to make sure you were ok
J- oh well ok but did you or who ever did it get all the silver out of my system
T- yes it's all gone and we disposed of it so we won't get sick off the fumes
J- thank you Tyler now can I talk to Daniel alone please I need to still tell him of what happened in the years I wasn't with him
T- ok but take your time and if you need this use it

He had handed me my inhaler and walked away as I got up on shaky legs Daniel came to me and helped me stand while saying

D- I'm guessing that was a mind link conversation
J- ya it was sorry
D- don't worry about it hey are you ok do you need anything
J- no I'm fine but I need to tell you all that's happened and I need to tell the truth because I still love you but after this I won't think you will love me but let's get this over with

He was about to answer but I didn't want him to say that he wouldn't love me ya ok who would love somebody as worthless as me it just doesn't go unnoticed but nonetheless let's get this over with

J- when I first got here it was good up until about 2 years ago when I got a strange call that basically wanted me to meet them at a house later that day and obviously I was like hell no but then a couple days after the meeting was supposed to go down Meghan and Tyler showed up and took me after a pretty heated battle they took me to the woods that are to the west of here and sat me in a room by myself until, u-until h-he came in and beat me until I was pretty much unconscious then I started to black out t-the last thing I remembered then was him saying " I hope your as good to me as all the other worthless trash out there and if your not your nothing anyways nobody loves or cares for you and you will rot in here and be my personal slave until you are nothing but a shell of a person and you will beg me to die" after that I woke up naked, beaten,scared,gaged, and worst of all r-raped and he was right I was a worthless shell until Meghan and Tyler found out that day I heard them yelling at d-Dustin and then a scream and then nothing until the door opened and in walked Tyler with a blanket I was starting to feel like he would use me to but he just tried to get close enough to put the blanket on me which by the way took some effort since I was afraid and was shaking like crazy he got close enough and said " don't worry your safe now we didn't know what that monster was going to do until we heard him blabbering about it that's when we decided to "get revenge" and he won't be bothering anybody anymore we will protect you and not let anyone near u " he had still been talking when he saw blood running down my neck and saw that he had bitten me and when he went to touch it I screamed and darted away from him he had a look of worry and called Meghan in and she just started to cry she came over to me and hugged me that's when I felt safe she said she was so sorry and that she couldn't believe that she left me in there I was still scared so when they picked me up and took me out the room I was scared as to what was coming next,

I paused to see Daniels reaction and he was in tears he wrapped his arms around me and just cried he then started to speak

D- j-Joey I'm so sorry that had to happen and I wasn't there to protect you I hope you would forgive me for not being there when you needed me the most I'm so sorry
J- d-don't worry there was nothing you could have done they would have just hurt you to and I wouldn't want that to happen to you I already saw you hurt once and I was not about to see you hurt again
D- Joey I love you ok promise me you will tell me when you are not ok please
J- ok I promise to tell you when I'm not ok

He brought me in for a kiss and it was so magical he was so passionate towards me and I loved it I loved that he still thought they could help me but I'm a lost cause I started to get scared of what was going to happen next so I tapped him on his cheek to indicate to stop and he did I thought he would be mad but he looked down at me and smiled I smiled back and he said

D- I will never get over your smile and beautiful face
J- and I will never forget how much you love me
With that we payed down on my bed with him next to me and me snuggled to his chest and our last words before drifting off to sleep were

J- I love you so much
D- and I love you so much to I would rather die then lose you........

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