Plans in action

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Knowing that Jack was coming back to hurt MY Joey I had to do something WE had to do something I was not letting Joey be hurt or taken from me and I know that the others feel the same way two but with Joey being my mate made my blood boil when I saw how affected and broken he was from this torment it made me feel like my heart was breaking when he would wake up from night terrors I would try my hardest to get that pain away from him make him feel loved and wanted I knew I should protect him better but now as I watch him sleep peacefully in my arms this is when I know that I would not let anything happen to him even if I die I don't want to leave Joey alone but if me dyeing saves him than I would lay my life down in a heartbeat knowing that he is ok and he'll be protected by his friends

I could see Joey shifting around a bit in my arms and new he was gonna wake up soon my thoughts where correct as I saw his eyes flutter open and stared back into my eyes I whispered a soft

D- good morning
J- good morning Danny sleep well
D- ya babes I slept good did u wanna stay in bed u didn't get the best of sleep last night
J- yes please thanks Danny love u
D- love you to baby

I could see him relax and his breaths even out as I knew he was drifting off to sleep and I knew that we had to make a plan of action to keep him and everyone else for that matter safe I watched him sleep and I know it sound creepy but I really love him and I just want to make sure he can sleep and not have nightmares I know he hates it when he does because he feels as if he isn't strong enough and I want to be able to show it doesn't matter how strong you want to be it's how strong he is and that he can fight threw anything if he puts his mind to it I could feel myself going in and out of consciousness knowing I would drift off soon I pulled Joey closer to my chest and made sure to have him secure knowing he loves it and it makes him feel safe and that's all I want is to keep him safe I closed my eyes and let sleep over come me....

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes breathing in joeys scent calmed me further as I felt him snuggle back into my neck I chuckled a bit knowing he didn't want to wake up and he's not much of a morning person so I decided to try and make him feel better by first getting out of bed and replacing myself with a pillow he snuggled closer to the pillow as I made my way out the door and towards the kitchen where I planed to make him and everyone else breakfast I pulled out all the ingredients needed to make pancakes and brought out some fruit knowing he likes fresh fruit on his pancakes I finished making them and plates them leaving a stack in the microwave for the others and leaving a note saying where they were and I plated joeys and walked back up the stairs into our room I placed the tray on the bedside table and gently woke him up

D- Joey baby it's time to wake up I made you breakfast
J- nghh Danny mhm thank you love you
D- love you to baby now let's get you sat up so you can rest this on your lap and then later we can cuddle ok we're going to take it easy today and figure everything out tomorrow ok I just want you to relax and be calm today
J- thanks Danny it means a lot

I sat next to him placing the tray on his lap and sitting down with him to eat and after he finished I cleaned up put a movie on and we just embraced each other wanting to be in each other's presence and just savoring the moment that we are sharing just being close to each other I knew he needed it and I knew it calmed him down greatly we binge watched all his favorite movies and stayed like this until it was time to sleep again and when we fell asleep I could tell that he very much needed this day to just relax and not have to worry on what was to come but to focus on what was right in the now

VAMPIRE; janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now