Chapter 6: Boys... Get Them! (X)

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Chapter 6: Boys… Get Them!!!

 The houses whizzed by as I kept running down my development. Alpine, New Jersey was a quiet town but very elegant. Huge houses were everywhere you turned with lawyers, doctors, agents, actors, and many more wealthy people living in them. Our town was so old fashioned that we even had a "Ms. Alpine" pageant every year. Since I was a senior, Amber and I were going to have to be in the court with a few other girls. My family, the rest of the Quad's families, and the rest of the Trio's families were all part of the "Founding Families" of Alpine, New Jersey which also led to our popularity. Meaning our ancestors found this dainty ol’ town. 

It was Saturday morning after the big game and I was currently running outside in a tank top and shorts, with my phone hooked onto my arm. My earphones were blasting music and I was lost in thought as I kept running.

Today I had dance practice with my dance crew. None of them went to my school and we were one huge family. The whole Quad was part of it and we would meet every Saturday at eleven. Although I did like to get there by ten so I had to time to dance by myself.  

Not all boys part of the dance crew were gay… My partner Kyle however, was. And I wouldn’t want him any other way. I was practicing with him and I was extremely excited. We were both trying out for Juilliard so we decided it would be better to make a dance together to try out.  We chose the song Echo by Jason Walker. We choreographed the dance about a girl who felt alone in the world and a boy helps her back on her feet and brings her love and warmth. I was thinking about the choreography so intensely that I didn’t realize where I was going until I bumped into a stone hard wall and fell on the floor.

“Watch where you’re going,” A guy groaned. Oh shit, I didn’t run into a wall, I ran into a human being, and a guy at that!

“Well it takes two people to crash and you were the other half, so I should say the same thing to you, jerk.” I ground out, trying to stand up. The asshole didn’t even bother helping me up.

“I should have known it was you,” The voice laughed dryly.

“What are you talking about?” I glanced up at the boy and I couldn’t help but let out an obnoxious snort. “Of course.” I glared into the breathtaking blue eyes of Dylan Stone.

“Fancy meeting you here,” He gestured towards me with his hand, smiling an adorable smile. I shook my head to get rid of any more thoughts towards him.

“I wouldn’t say the same,” I said causing him to smile.  “Are you stalking me?”

“Why would I do that? I have much better things to do and people to meet… If you get what I mean,” He winked, breathing heavily.

“I don’t care how many girls you get with,” I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

“But I think you do, pumpkin,” He smirked.

“Oh really? Why is that?” I smirked at his cockiness, annoyed with the name calling once again. “And can you stop with the nick names? It’s getting on my nerves.”

“Too bad I don’t care… And because,” He flicked my ponytail, gaining my attention. “I would never kiss you.”

“Like I said, I don’t care,” I played coolly, even though on the inside I was distraught. I can’t believe he just said that and what’s even crazier is that it hurt like a bitch. I mean of course I would never kiss him, but it still hurt.

“Deny it for however long you want, but one day, you won’t be able to resist this body,” He ran his hand up and down his body and he made sure he didn’t forget the wink.

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