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"Mrs. Weasley-"

"Seriously Katherine, you have been my assistant for a month. We're barely acquaintances so you can call me Hermione." she said.

Katherine chuckled.

"Hermione, it's already very late. Don't you want to go home?" Her assistance asked then whispered a quick pack. In a blink of an eye, all of her things moved into their own accord and packed themselves.

Hermione Granger looked at her muggle watch and let out a sigh. It was nearly midnight but still she is stuck in her office. It wasn't because of her being the Head of Magical Law Enforcements nor does the countless paper work in her desk. It was because of him.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you are overworking yourself." Katherine said.

It was the exact words Ginny said to her a day ago when she visited her in her office. Her physical appearance only proves that she hadn't slept for days. The dark circle around her eyes is clearly visible the moment you look at her.

"I'm fine." She replied.

"Oh and by the way, is it alright if I take a few months leave? It's just that I know that I just started working here but this is a once in a blue moon opportunity-"

"It's fine. You should go." She replied cutting her off.

"It's just that my husband planned this trip and I don't want it to go to waste."

She suddenly zoned out a little hearing the words trip and husband. Somehow, the scene of his departure replayed in her mind like a broken disk begging to be fixed. She tried. But she only hurt herself in the process.

Some things are better to be left broken.

"But I promise you that I will find you a substitute assistant while I'm gone. I can't just let you work here alone."

Reality struck upon her.

She opened the door to her house with a sigh. She was tired of working for days without sleeping. She was tired of being alone. She was tired of waiting. She was tired of all the stupid things in her life. But she needs to stay strong. After all, what would happen if both of them would give up?

Hermione was about to fall asleep when she heard the door creaked. In an instant, she raised her wand towards the person in the door and quickly put it down the moment she saw the face of the uninvited guest.

"Oh, sorry." She said withdrawing her wand after she saw who the person was.

"Hermione! What was that for?" shouted her redhead friend.

"Sorry, Ginny. I was just shocked to see you here." She explained.

"That's because you don't have any visitors." Ginny said while sitting on one of the sofa.

"I have visitors." defended Hermione.

"Yeah, me." Ginny answered sarcastically.

Hermione kept silent. Only a few knows where she lives and they are all busy with their lives. She doesn't want to become a burden in someone's life.

Ginny looked at her. "You should come live with us. Even for just a little time."

"I can't." Hermione cried. "I can't leave this house."

"Hermione! Wake up! It's been 5 years! My brother is a jerk!" Ginny shouted towards the Gryffindor Princess.

"But I love him, Ginny. I love that jerk!" Hermione replied as a single tear flowed down her cheeks.

"Of course you do. If you don't then, you will not be waiting for him to come back for 5 years now." Ginny smiled.

"We want to help you Hermione. You are no longer the Hermione I knew before. You have changed." Ginny added.

"I've changed for the better. Sorry Gin. This house holds too much happy memories for me to abandon it." Hermione said trying to gain confidence.

"And also sad memories. Besides, I'm not telling you to abandon it. I just want you to stay with us for 3 months maybe. Harry misses you so much. We need you, Hermione." Ginny exclaimed.

Moving on is very hard. Especially if you don't want to.

However, if she lives with Ginny for just a few months, she wouldn't be moving on from Ron right? She would just have some fun. After all, it's a thing she has forgotten for 5 years.

"I'll come. But only for 3 months."

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