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It has been hard to not think about Draco Malfoy after what happened but surprisingly, Hermione managed to survive for weeks. They saw each other often in the office but there's always a cloud of awkwardness that sorrounds them.

"Hey." Whispered Hermione one time when she lost her self restraint.

He was taken aback. "Huh. Umm. Hey"

"What's wrong?"

"Uh nothing's wrong." He replied completely confused.

"You're getting easily shocked" she stated.

"Of course not. " he defended himself.

They both fell silent after that. They both didn't understand what they felt for the other. It was like a strange feeling. It was all too familiar for Hermione but it was all foreign to Draco.

It is so surreal that Draco Malfoy became Hermione Weasley's friend in a very short time. It has been a month from the very first time they have met again.

In the short time that they have been friends, Hermione felt something much more to Draco.
She hate to admit it but she was falling for Malfoy even though she already have a husband.

Well, her husband is nothing but a jerk too but she still loves Ron even though he left her five years ago.

"Hello Ron. How was work?" She asked.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" He shouted.

"No you're not fine. Tell me what's wrong!"

"It's been three years already. Three years! Yet we do not have any children yet, Hermione!"

"It's not my fault!" She shouted.

"Whatever. I need to go."

"Where?" She was already crying.

"To find myself." He replied." I'm going to a trip to find myself and don't follow me."

Those were his last words to her before he collected his things and disappeared in a blink of an eye.
She thought it was one of those normal couple arguments but she was wrong.

She waited for him to come back. Days, weeks, months, years passed but he never came back. And she is still patiently waiting for him until present. She didn't give up yet but she can't help but think that he already did.

Blaming herself was the right thing to do according to Hermione. She couldn't give him a child and then he left her. Maybe he even have another family already.

She had to stop falling for Malfoy because she had to be faithful and loyal to her husband, her friend, her other half, her Ron.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Gin." She replied.

"I know you're not fine. I can tell since you're like a sister to me."

"Okay fine." She finally agreed." I want to stay here longer."

"That's good news, Hermione!" Ginny shouted.

"Well, go tell Harry."

"But not before you tell me what is bugging you." Ginny said.

"I already told you."

"The other thing."

"Ugh fine. I think I'm falling for..."

But Ginny stopped her." Who!!!"

"Malfoy." She replied.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" Ginny exclaimed.

"It's not, Gin. I have a husband."

"Hermione, it's about time you forget about him. Five years is a long time already."

"I know."

"What are you gonna do about Malfoy?"

"I don't know. I just feel that he is something different."

"Well what will you do if you meet your true love but you are already married? Would you just let him pass by?" Ginny said.

"Where did that came from?" Hermione laughed.

"I've read it somewhere." Ginny explained.

"You're right Ginny. I think it's about time I forget about Ron and tell Draco what I really feel."

"Go girl!"

"Thank you." Hermione said as she hugged her best friend. "You're a big help."

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