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Even after one year, she still could remember clearly in his mind the day she broke up with him. And after that she knew things would never be the same again.

“It’ll be alright, Hermione.” Ginny assured her after she broke up with Draco.

Little did she know, it was a big thing to say.

After she packed her things from Ginny’s house, she came home seeing Ron much worse than the state she left her earlier.

“What happened to you?” She remembered that her voice sounded like she almost cared.

“Harry punched me and Ginny shot a hex at me. Probably the Bat-bogey hex.” She chuckled.
The rest of the day was blurred to her.

And now, one year later, most of the things have already changed. Ginny is now 1 month pregnant with their first son. Her friends, Luna and Neville are already married a month ago. Ron’s attitude changed a little especially now that he is stressed over auror duties. And from what she heard from Harry, Draco was finally accepted as an auror.

But some things never change. She still loves Draco Malfoy, even after all this time.

Her relationship with Draco a year ago lasted for days only but it was all she needed to be madly in love with him.

“I brought food!” Ginny called as she entered the house
Hermione quickly put the finished potion into a vial and set it aside in a container.

“Hi, Ginny.” She greeted her friend as she put the food into the table.

“Are you finished brewing already?” Ginny asked.

After Ron came back, she knew she needed to start learning how to brew a Wolfsbane potion.

“Hermione, Sorry to interrupt your reading but I need to tell you something.” She remembered Ron approaching her one day.

“What is it, Ron?” She glanced up from her book.

“I need to drink wolfsbane potion every day for a week prior the full moon. And my stock of the said potion is running out already. I don’t think it will be enough for the next full moon. Could you maybe brew some because I don’t know how to brew it perfectly.” He confessed.

“What do you think is this book for?” She asked showing her the potions book she has been reading.

Ron’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“So how did you managed to have a wolfsbane potion if you don’t know how to brew one?” She asked curiously.

“I had a friend who helped me. He was a werewolf too.” He replied.

“Oh, alright. I’m going to Diagon Alley to buy some ingredients.” She said and closed the book.

It was a little hard at first but she managed to brew it perfectly as expected.

“Yeah, I already brew enough for the next full moon. Let’s eat already. I’m starving!” She exclaimed.

“You know, you shouldn’t forget to eat.” Her friend said but she didn’t reply. Instead, she started eating.

“I heard something about Malfoy.” Her friend said and she automatically stopped eating and looked at her friend with hope.
Ginny is the only one who knows about what she really feels. But they both know that her feelings don’t matter in a situation like this one.

“Remember last time I told you that Malfoy became an International auror?” She asks and Hermione nodded.

“Well, he’s here in Great Britain now and he’s doing a top secret mission. He’s chasing some international evil wizards.” And with this Hermione’s face lit up.

“I really want to see him even for just one time. Before he goes out of my reach again. Before I completely move on from him.” She whispered partly to Ginny and partly to herself.

“Don’t worry. You’ll going to have the closure you need.”

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