3. Reconnecting

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3. Reconnecting

            “Are you sure you don’t want anything at all? Really, it’s no trouble if you do,” Bilbo insisted for the fifth time since he had let me into Bag End.

            “Bilbo, I’m fine, honestly.” I giggled. “Really, don’t try to overdo your hospitality.”

            “Sorry. It’s just been so long and all.”

            We sat in the den room in chairs across from each other. It reminded me of the den room back in my house, because the chairs were near the empty fireplace. There was a footrest in front of the chair Bilbo perched himself in.

There was an awkward silence between us. It was as if neither of us knew what to use to start conversation. Truthfully, I didn’t, and most likely Bilbo didn’t either.

            “So…” I rubbed the bottom of my ear nervously. “What’s new with you?”

            “Oh.” Bilbo’s shoulders slumped.

            “Something bad?”

            “My parents passed away.”

            “I thought it was eerily quiet in here,” I muttered under my breath. “I’m really sorry, Bilbo. I wish I had been there to help you through the time. You could have asked me and I would have come running to help. If you don’t mind me asking, how long ago had that been?”

            “A little over a decade for my father, less than that for my mother.” He rubbed his forehead. “Enough about me. What about you? How’s the married life working for you?”

            “It’s something.”

            “Isn’t it funny how you married before Cecelia?”

            “It is,” I admitted, rubbing my neck. “I didn’t think I would settle down ever, let alone before her.”

            “Have you started a family?”

            “N-no.” I blushed. “Having children hasn’t been on my mind.”

            “Are you considering it?”

            “Bilbo, at the age I am at, there could be a slim chance I can start a family.”

            “You never know. I personally think you would be a great mother, if you decided to have kids.”

            I half-smiled. “That means a lot coming from you.” Bilbo kept stealing glances down the hall, towards the door. My eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Is everything all right?” I asked him timidly. Bilbo jumped as if I had poked him to spook him.

            “Yes, everything’s fine,” he said shortly.

            “I’m not convinced.” I folded my arms across my chest. “You seem jumpy. What’s going on, Bilbo?”

            “Nothing.” He stole another quick glance down the hall.

            “Bilbo Baggins, if you don’t tell me what’s going on—”

            “Okay, okay, there is no need to get snippy.” He sucked in a deep breath, trying his hardest to not glare down the hall again. He leaned over, lolling his arms over his legs. “Earlier this morning, I was enjoying the air and smoking, and then, out of nowhere, this old man stopped by. It was the most unusual thing ever. He rambled on about looking for someone to go on an adventure with, or something to that degree. I tried to get away and retreat back inside, but he said my name.”

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