12. A Wondrous Place

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12. A Wondrous Place

       We’ve got to be getting close to the end; we’ve been doing this for hours. Though I was okay and in no danger of passing out, my legs were at their wits end. They protested walking further, but I pushed them forward. Truthfully, every part of me felt exhausted. I felt drained.

            Just when I was about ready to consider collapsing on the floor, a new noise livened me up: roaring water. We had no such thing back in the Shire. We had tame rivers that looked beautiful but could be deadly if you weren’t careful. It wasn’t common for a Hobbit to know how to swim.

            I felt I could breathe more once I was away from the walls of the pathway. I stood up on a higher part of the path as the Dwarves made their way downwards. My eyes bugged in wonder. Next to the Shire, this was the most magnificent place I had ever looked upon in my life.

            The first thing my eyes looked at was the waterfall, how it gushed smoothly. The noise was much calmer compared to other noises I’d heard recently. I noticed a small, smooth stone bridge that closed the gap between where we were and what lay on the other side. A massive building, looking to house royalty of some sort, lay on the opposite side of us. The sun hit it in all the right places, giving it a mystical quality.

I wondered who dwelled here. Elves? More Dwarves? Man perhaps? Or was there some other species I had yet to know about in Middle-earth?

            “The Valley of Imladris,” Gandalf announced, snapping me out of my dazed state. “In the common tongue, it’s known by another name.”

            “Rivendell,” Bilbo murmured under his breath.

            “You know this place?” I asked him.

            “I’ve read about it loads of times.”

            “Here lies the Last Homely Home East of the Sea.” Gandalf said the name fondly, as though he had been here before. Knowing that he was a Wizard, he very well could have visited before now. It wouldn’t surprise me any.

            “Could you imagine living here?” I whispered.

            “It wouldn’t be like home, Lily,” Bilbo reminded me.

            “I know that. It has a more…regal feel to me. Gosh, what I wouldn’t give to have Jack see this!” Consciously, I fingered my wedding ring.

            Not long after Gandalf and Thorin had a heated discussion which I didn’t catch a word of, Gandalf led our party down the continued pathway, heading for the stone bridge that met us at the end of the way. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my lips. I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by such a new, wondrous place. Curiosity ran through my veins, I wanted to know something about Rivendell.

            As we crossed the bridge, I looked down to see the water way down below running swiftly. For some reason, a knot formed in my stomach. Heights didn’t normally bother me; I climbed trees whenever I got the chance to. Maybe it’s because this is no tree, and if something should happen, there’s no way to stop myself from hitting the ground, or the water in this case.

            Until I stepped foot off the bridge, I kept my eyes up and forward.

            We all got together on a platform. I didn’t know what to expect now. Were we even welcome here? Well, if Gandalf led us here, we must be. He wouldn’t lead us into danger purposely, it’s what we’re trying to avoid after all.

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