6. "You're Stuck With Me."

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6. “You’re Stuck With Me.”

            We flew into the woods as I pushed Remy onwards. My pony didn’t seem to mind, he felt eager. He probably sensed something exciting was happening, or about to happen. Well, if he sensed it, he would be right.

            I really wished Bilbo had rolled up the contract, because on occasion, it kept smacking me, sometimes near my face, almost blinding me. I made sure not to complain about it and focus on the task at hand.

            “Do you see them?” Bilbo called over Remy’s footfalls.

            “No,” I reported, listening to Remy’s breathing. He needed to slow down soon, his breathing was extremely labored.

 I pulled back on the reins slightly, to let Remy know that he could slow some. He rested into a fast trot.

“What are you doing?” Bilbo asked me.

“If I don’t slow him down, he’ll keel over,” I retorted. “Besides, we’re still making good time. Don’t worry, we’ll catch them.”

With Bilbo and me bouncing in the saddle, Remy continued to take us through the forest. Just barely past Remy’s hoof beats, I heard voices…and they all sounded manly. The Dwarves and Gandalf!

“I think I hear them!” I crowed. “You have to get their attention, Bilbo.”

“That won’t be a problem.”

As the voices grew louder, Bilbo and I saw a herd of ponies and one horse. All of them had riders save one pony, who was lugging supplies on its back.

“Wait!” Bilbo shouted. “Wait!”

The company heard Bilbo’s plea, because all at once, the ponies and horse stopped. I slowed Remy down to a walk. I heard the Dwarves mutter under their breaths. They were probably surprised to see Bilbo, but more than likely they were shocked to see me again.

“I signed it,” Bilbo declared. I pulled Remy close to Balin, stopping him. I patted my boy on the neck. “Here.” Bilbo handed Balin the parchment. The Dwarf then looked over the contract.

“Everything appears to be in order,” Balin said happily. “Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Thank you for delivering him to us, lass. He probably would have never made it running here.”

“I would like to think I could have,” Bilbo muttered under his breath. I only heard him, smiling slightly.

“Well, if you’re surprised by Bilbo deciding to tag along, I have another surprise for you, gentlemen. You’re taking two Hobbits with you, not one,” I declared proudly.

“That was not in the contract,” Thorin reminded me gruffly.

 My brows furrowed above my eyes. “True, I know it wasn’t,” I said calmly, “but wherever Bilbo goes, I go. We made a pact way back when that if either of us joined a voyage such as this, the other had to tag along.”

“And what makes you think you would be welcome to the company?”

“Easy, Thorin,” Gandalf called to the Dwarf, “I think Miss—”

Mrs.,” I corrected him. “But whatever you prefer.”

“I think Mrs. Petrova would be a lovely addition to our group. Besides, one more couldn’t hurt, could it?”

“If it was anyone but her, it wouldn’t.”

“Are you saying that because I’m a woman? Do you think bringing me along will bring you all bad luck?” I snapped at the lead Dwarf.

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