8. "We've Encountered a Slight Problem."

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8. “We’ve Encountered a Slight Problem.”

            We hadn’t stayed on mountains for very long. They were small and easy to overcome, and before we all knew it, we were briefly on level ground again before diving into a forest. My heart panicked, recalling the still-fresh nightmare from that night resting on the mountain. I made sure Bilbo didn’t see my frightened state; I knew he’d ask me what was wrong and if it had anything to do with my nightmare if he saw.

            When venturing into the forest, at first, the weather was amiable. The songs of the birds in the trees eased my nerves, filling me with serenity. In a way, I felt like I was back home, travelling through woods. Yet, I realized with a heavy heart, that I was nowhere near the Shire anymore, nowhere near Hobbiton. Bilbo and I were as far away from home as we’d ever been.

            Surely Cecelia had noticed our absence by now and was gathering information from Jack about our whereabouts. I wondered if Cece told Mum and Papa about what I’d done and where I was going. They would probably scoff and be huffy about the news she would deliver, that is, if she chose to tell them. For all I knew, she would lie about me leaving Hobbiton with Bilbo. Maybe she wouldn’t even talk to Mum and Papa about me.

            As our troop of sixteen ambled through the woods, my eyes fell to my wedding ring. I wondered how the lonely life was treating Jack. Though I knew not to worry about him, I couldn’t help but. I’m sure he’s with friends and spending time with them. Jack didn’t spend as much time with his friends when we got married. I didn’t see why, considering I wasn’t holding him on a leash and telling him who he could and couldn’t hang out with.

            I had repeatedly told Jack to go out on the days where it bothered me that he hadn’t spent some time away from me. I told him that it would do him some good, to catch up. But he had retorted that he was fine being home with me. I wished Jack didn’t give up his social ties to the outside world just to be with me. Really, he couldn’t always be around me. Though we hadn’t had many yet, one of these days, we’d get into a row, and we’d need some time apart.

            Whoa there, let’s focus on this adventure first before even thinking about back home, I scolded myself. Remy bobbed his head, jiggling the reins in my hand.

I flinched as a cold drop crashed onto my nose. I looked up to the clouding sky only to be hit with more, on my cheek and in my eye. I shook my head. Great, as if the scenery from my nightmare wasn’t alive enough with the forest, it had to start raining on top of it too.

            And rain it did. It was no sprinkle, it was a bloody storm. Sheets of rain instantly dowsed us and all the supplies we carried. I hunched over, thinking that that would shield me from the assault of rain. Nobody complained about the rain. Personally, I had no problem with storms, not until just recently.

            Thunder rumbled in the far distance, but no lightning ever hit, so most likely we wouldn’t be struck. Gandalf continued to lead our party, with Thorin right behind him, and the rest of us in tow. I shivered through my clothes, as I was sure the rest of us did. I looked over my shoulder to see all the Dwarves pull hoods over their heads. I snorted irritably. I didn’t think to bring a cloak, and neither did Bilbo. Hell, how were we supposed to know that it would rain?

            The storm wasn’t letting up one bit. Slushy mud caked the ponies’ legs, making me picture me picking dried mud off of Remy once we were past this and down for the night. Another dull clap of thunder made my ears try to listen past the rain. It won’t come true, it won’t come true. It was only a dream. Besides, Orcs don’t hunt Dwarves, Wizards, or Hobbits for sport, and that Azog the Defiler is dead. What am I worrying about?

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