13. A Long Night

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 13. A Long Night

            “Again!” Kili commanded. I blew out air noisily as I stomped over to pick up the arrows that failed to sink into their target.

            Like Bilbo had suggested, I had asked Lord Elrond about archery practice. He saw no problem with it but did throw a hint of a warning that, should something bad come out of it, I wouldn’t like the consequences. I had only Kili with me, as the rest of the Dwarves went to find a spot to rest for the night. Thorin, Balin, Bilbo, and Gandalf were all talking to Lord Elrond. About what, I wasn’t sure.

            So, ever since dinner, I had been shooting arrows at a withering tree that was apparently an ideal target to aim for. I didn’t even get to shoot anything for a half hour, as I had to learn to load an arrow properly first. I was also taking more time, I was vulnerable to injury should something go wrong.

            The only reason we hadn’t quit right when night had fallen was because of the moonlight that Rivendell had provided us. My arms felt dog-tired; like they were about ready to fall off if I pulled back the bow’s string one more time to fire another arrow. I dropped the arrows at my feet, collapsing on my butt.

            “You seriously can’t be tired,” Kili teased. I shot him a nasty look.

            “We have been doing this for hours,” I snarled through my teeth. “I don’t have a decent shot yet, and I’ve been tired since…I can’t remember when. I know it’s been over a day since I’ve slept properly!”

            “All right, all right, keep your hair on, Red. I understand your frustration. I should be helping you, not barking orders at you.” His eyes softened. Kili crossed to me, offering me a hand. Exhaling deeply, I let the Dwarf pull me to my feet. He bent back down to grab an arrow.

            Inhaling a large breath, I took the arrow, loading it into the bow. I felt Kili beside me, gently prodding my arms to have proper stance. I could tell he was trying to see through my eyes, because his face was close towards mine as he squinted his eyes, trying to see where the arrow would hit.

            “If you had done this to begin with, I wouldn’t be so frustrated,” I murmured.

            “I realize that.” He grabbed a gentle hold on my shaking arm. “Steady, Red.”

            “Didn’t your arms ever tire like this?”

            “They did, but I steadied them. You also have to remember that I’ve been doing this for years. You haven’t.”

            “I can still try to learn quickly. If you remember your method, teach me it.”

            He chuckled. “I’ll remember to, I promise. This is the last one I’ll have you do.”

            “Do I need to ask permission to fire?”

            “By all means, shoot.”

            I let the arrow go, my fingers screamed with relief. Compared to my other attempts, Kili’s help improved me greatly. The arrow didn’t aim for the ground like usual, nor did it miss the target. Instead it landed nicely in the bark. It wasn’t precise, but it was a start.

            A start was all I wanted right now.

            I yawned, my legs started to wobble under me. Kili threw me a teasing smile; I stuck my tongue out at him.

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