14. A Quick Departure

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14. A Quick Departure

            How could I fool myself into thinking for one minute that I would have a good night’s sleep in Rivendell? Of course I didn’t have a sound sleep! I was probably the only one who didn’t.

            A different nightmare had gotten the better of me last night. The cast was the same as last time, but the scenario was different. We were all engaged in a war: Dwarves, a Wizard, and two Hobbits against a pale Orc and his minions. It poured in the dream, like the last bad one I had had, but it didn’t take place in a forest of any kind. I remembered we had been losing; a few Dwarves had been murdered already.

            I remembered hearing everyone constantly tell me to run, that it was not my place to be there. Even Bilbo was telling me this, despite not being Gandalf or any of the thirteen Dwarves. In the dream, I was the helpless one. All I had to me was my dagger, but that hadn’t helped the dead Dwarves any. Those who died had been near me, and I hadn’t done anything to try and save them.

            Seeing their still bodies had made me lose focus, Orcs had herded around me, cutting me off from the others who were still fighting. I’d heard the others’ calling out to me. I remembered trying to call back to them, but I had no voice. Words couldn’t get out of my mouth.

            The nightmare finally was put to rest after Orcs started piling up on me, suffocating me. There was darkness, snarling, snickering, and a rancid odor. What an awful thing to wake up from. I was glad I hadn’t continued on with the dream, I knew how it would have ended.

            I was extremely groggy, wishing to get some more rest. However, I didn’t get the chance to. Bilbo came shuffling in to find me. He looked a bit better than I did, a bit more lively.

            “You’re up early,” I noted, yawning hugely.

            “So is everyone else. We’re leaving.”

            I blinked. “Right now?”

            “Thorin wants to get going.” He shrugged.

            I groaned, stomping my feet. “The tension between Elves and Dwarves must really be bad.”

            “I’m sure that’s partly why we’re going so soon.”

            “Right, Durin’s Day.” I ruffled my red hair.

            “Get your things.”

Quickly, I did.

            Bilbo had to tug me along behind him so I could keep up. I was still half-asleep, almost tripping myself a few times. Rivendell was quiet; the sun was just starting to rise. Ugh, I hated being up when it was barely morning.

            We were the last two to meet outside near the bridge. I noticed Gandalf was absent from our group. Had he left already, like he had the night we encountered the Trolls? Were we leaving him behind? If he was being abandoned, it would be stupid. The Wizard had saved us before, it wouldn’t hurt to have him around in case we needed saving again.

            Thorin looked at Bilbo and me coldly. Quite honestly, his gaze made me even moodier. I wasn’t going to be happy leaving Rivendell without Gandalf. Dwarves and stubbornness, they must have the worst case of it!

            I felt my heart break slightly once we crossed the bridge, leaving the Elven place behind. There was so much I wanted to see; things I still had to do.

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