9 - "I'm gonna name the baby after her,"

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"Oh my god," she cried as she watched her friend swing back and fourth on a rope around her neck.

Welcome back to TSLBM! I'm trying my best to update more and I hope people are actually still reading this. 1 week clean! Woohoo! Anygay, let's get this chapter started! GET READING!

Third person p.o.v

Dr. Ackles burst through the doors after hearing Darcy scream. He gasped as he saw Alison.

"What happened?!" He asked frantically.

"I don't know! I was told she had therapy so she had an earlier lunch then everyone else and when I came into the room I found her like this!" She sobbed as she held a protective hand on her stomach. He ran a frustrated hand over his face.

"I need you to leave, please," he said as calm as he possibly could. She nodded with a sniffle and walked out of the room. More people ran into the room as she walked towards Ryan's room. She knocked on the door and tried wiping the tears from her eyes. Ryan opened the door with grin. Her smile fell as she saw Darcy's state.

"What happened?" She asked softly.

"Alison's dead!" Darcy cried. She hugged Ryan and sobbed into her shoulder. Ryan rubbed her back.

"Come in," she said and pulled Darcy into the room. They sat on the bed and Darcy rested her head on her shoulder. "Now what happened?"

"After lunch I started walking to our room. I was gonna ask her how therapy was but when I turbed around she- she was just- just hanging there," She cried.

"She's in a better place now, it's OK," Ryan assured her. Darcy placed a hand over her baby bump protectivly.

"We made so many plans for once we got out, I was gonna meet her parents and- and-" she choked out a sob.

"It's OK," Ryan assured. Darcy continued to sob into her shoulder.


"How did she even get the rope?!" The boss of the clinic, Dr. Charles, yelled angerly.

"I. Don't. Know!" Dr. Ackles yelled. "She was getting better! I don't know what went wrong!"

"I'm the one who's gonna get blamed for this Jensen!" Dr. Charles yelled.

"I'm sorry! I thought she was getting better!"

"If anything else happens, Ackles, you're finished! Now get out of my office!"


"Now!" Dr. Charles yelled. Dr. Ackles left the office and walked towards his own. He opened the door and sat in his chair. He rubbed his hand over his face, trying not to cry.

You see, Dr. Ackles and Alison had been in a secret realationship for a while now. They told each other everything, and he truely believed she was getting better. They had made plans to move in together once she got better.

But now his whole world was crashing down. He didn't know what do with himself. He had found a note in her pocket but hasn't read it yet. He grabed the note from his desk and held it in his hand. He looked at his and Darcy name writen in Alison's beautiful hand-writing. He walked put his office and down the halls towards Ryan's room, where he knew where she would be. He knocked on the door.

"Dr. Ackles?" He heard Darcy say through a sniffle.

"Yes," he said.

"Come in," she said. He opened the door, note in hand. "She- umm... She left a note for the two of us," he told her softly. She sat up straighter in Ryan's grip.

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