Plz read the A/N! 12 - "I'm gonna miss this place,"

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The two spent hours gossiping about the young doctor and having a great time; Darcy was so happy it was only a dream.

Welcome back to TSLBM!

Guess who's back, back again. Shady's back, tell some friends! Guess who's back, guess who's back...

Anygay, how are you lovely people? Good I hope 😄 I decided to update for my b-day (Dec 18th)/Christmas. I might even do a New Year's Eve chapter if you guys wanted! I might continue to write after but I don't know yet 😬

This chapter is dedicated to raindropkiss1 because they've been helping me through my personal issues (reason for no updates). And if you're reading this, I'd like to thank you 😊 you've helped me a lot.

Anyway, lets just continue with this chapter, shall we? We shall.

Third person p.o.v
10 weeks later (sorry for the huge time skip 😬)

Alison and Jensen (Dr. Ackles) have a strong relationship together and they're excited for when she's being released in a couple of weeks. After a lot of begging, Darcy is being let out for the Christmas holidays, and if she does well, she won't have to come back.

The clinic is throwing a small party for the early release and Darcy couldn't be more excited. She gets to find out what the gender of her baby in a few weeks. (A/N I'll let you guys decide for the New Years update 😉).

She stretched her acing limps as she woke up in the morning. She placed her hands on her growing bump and smiled.

"Good morning, baby," she smiled. She stood from her bed and popped her sore back. "Alison! Get up!" She yelled throwing a pillow at her sleeping friend.

"I'm up!" Alison shoot out of her bed with a groan.

"Good, I have my last ultrasound in an hour," Darcy smiled while changing her clothes.

"How long was I asleep?" Alison questioned tiredly.

"No! My last ultrasound in the clinic!" She laughed.

"Oh," Alison chuckled. Darcy rolled her eyes.

"You are such an odd person,"

"It's better than being even," Alison winked.

"Oh my gosh," Darcy groaned. "Just get ready," she laughed.


Darcy and Alison began walking down the halls towards the hospital room with bright smiles in their faces.

"I'm so excited!" Darcy squealed.

"I know, me too!" Alison squeaked.

They opened the door to Dr. Ackles office and walked inside. Jack was there talking to the young doctor.

"Hey baby," Jack smiled kissing Darcy hard on the lips.

"Hey darling," Dr. Ackles kissed Alison causing her to blush crimson red. Darcy squealed.

"You guys are so cute!" She exclaimed excitedly. Alison's rolled her eyes but smiled fondly at her boyfriend.

They all walked out of the room and down the hall towards the place where the ultrasound would take place. Dr. Ackles opened the door and they all walked inside.

"You know the drill," the doctor smiled setting up the machines. Darcy laid down on the bed and pulled her shirt up passed her bump and pulled her pants down slightly. He squeezed the familiar cold gel onto the bottom of her bump and grabbed the wand. He moved it around her abdomen slowly.

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