6 - "What?! Is she OK?!"

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And in the moment, Darcy knew she and Alison would be great friends

Welcome back to TSLBM! This chapter is focusing on Darcy and her experiences in da clinic and also there's a surprise in there*grins evily*. I hope you enjoy this chapter! GET READING!

Third person p.o.v
2 weeks later

Over the past 2 weeks Darcy and Alison have become great friends and nearly are never seperated. They have agreed to stay friends even after one of them leaves the clinic.

At the moment they were in the cafeteria eating lunch together.

"How can you not think Dr. Ackles is hot?! Have you seen him?!" Alison questioned Darcy loudly.

"I don't know! I mean he is good looking but I'm married!" Darcy replied taking another bit of her grilled cheese sandwhich.

"You're crazy," Alison shook her head taking another piece of the shrimp she was eating and placing it in her mouth.

"Well I mean, I am here so I guess I am crazy in a way," she shrugged.

"No your not crazy, Earl is crazy," her friend replied. "He's literatly known for his craziness,"

"Well I think he's nice," Darcy shrugged. "You know, I've never hsd shrimp before,"

"You've never what?! Shrimp is the best thing you'll ever taste! Take some of mine!" Alison offered Darcy a piece. She took a bit and chewed.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" She said stealing another piece.

"I know right?! Now give me a bit of your grilled cheese," Alispn held her hand out and Darcy handed her the other half of her sandwhich. She took a couple more pieces of shrimp and they both continued eating and talking.

They finished and began walking back to their room. They laid on Alison's bed.

"I wanna show you something," she exclaimed getting up and walked over to her dresser. She pulled something out and turned towards Darcy. She showed her the object and Darcy gasped.

"Dr. Ackles is gonna kill you when he sees that!" Darcy exclaimed grabbed the phone from her hands.

"Maybe he'll spank me for being naughty," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"I can't believe you haven't been caught yet!" Darcy exclaimed. Her throat began getting itchy and she coughed trying to get it to go away. She handed Alison the phone and coughed more.

"What's wrong?" Alison asked latting her back lightly.

"I don't know. My throat just got really ichy," Darcy croaked. She coughed more and scratched at her throat. She began having trouble to breathe.

"Darcy?!" Alison yelled paniced.

"I *cough* can't b-breathe!" She wheezed.

"Help! Someone help!" Alison yelled loudly. Darcy continued coughing as she could feel her throat closing on itself. "Oh my gosh! ¿Qué me va a hacer?! ¡Ella no es alguien ayudar a respirar!" Alison rambled in spanish (A/N What am I gonna do?! Someone help she's not breathing!).

"What happend?!" Dr. Ackles yelled bursting through the door.

"No sé! Ella acaba de comenzar a toser y diciendo que ella no podía respirar! No sé qué hacer!," she rambled (A/N I don't know! She's just started coughing and saying she couldn't breathe! I don't know what to do!)

"English please!" He said grabbing Darcy and carrying her out of the room.

"No puedo hablar inglés cuando estoy subrayó!" She said frustrated (A/N I can't speak english when I'm stressed!).

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