un - walking contradiction

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"Val," Jasper whined. "Look, you need to make up your mind. Really. It's been this way for years. You deserve good, don't you get that? Don't you understand that in order to do that, you have to know what you want? Make a choice?"
"I hate to say it man but he's absolutely right," Cam agreed, a head shake and a look of disapproval in my direction. "I don't want you to be alone forever. You do need someone. Somebody other than us. You need that. Bad."
"Have the two of you noticed everything that runs out of your mouth is easier said than done?" I replied dismissively. "Must run through your genes."
I watched from the corner of my eye as the brother-sister duo shook their heads again. Turning sharply on my heel, I began to put in my locker combination.
"Come on, you know we just want the best for you!" Cam exclaimed. "It's a new year. Don't you wanna start off good?"
There was nothing I wanted more than to get out of this conversation and to get this goddamned day over with, to say the least.
"Look, I get it. You and Jasper are insane and you believe in unbelievable shit like New Years resolutions and wishing upon a goddamn shooting star and all that. And I don't. It's just another year I wanna get over with, alright? I just want to get it over with so I can get the hell out of this bore of a school, desert all these airheads, and start over. New year's doesn't mean shit."
Jasper called after me down the hallway. "How is it that we can't believe in that but you're all fed up with those conspiracy theories of yours?!"
"Conspiracy theories are realistic," I stated. "You two live in a daydream."
As I stormed away from their bullshit, I went to merge into the other side of the hallway and a boy collided straight into me.
"Dropped my books already. That's fun."
I whispered bitterly as my hands reached down to the tile to scoop my books back in hand again, but was beaten to it by a raven haired boy, the same one who had caused the incident in the first place.
"Uh, here. These are yours," he uttered, as if I hadn't known it myself.
I almost glared at him. "Thanks."
Me being the asshole I am, continued to my french class, not showing the slightest of gratitude towards the boy, who's footsteps trailed behind mine.
"I'm Billie."
"And I'm no one. Goodbye, Billie."
He scoffed. "Fine. Couldn't give less of a fuck about you either."
My lips parted from one another as I turned to meet the back of him, walking off with his hands shoved deep into his pockets, and suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to be his best friend.

Hiya! New story :))) I hope you liked the first chapter. I'm still working on a story that centers around Tre rather than Billie, and I'll get there soon enough. Stay tuned!
-miranda <3

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