douze - lovestruck

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"Dammit, Valerie."
I giggled to myself silently before shushing Billie. His foot had slipped off the drain pipe when he went to climb through my window. "C'mon, keep climbing. I'm not gonna let you fall."
He tried once more to scurry up the drain pipe and failed.
"Maybe I will," I mumbled. He glared at me quickly before finally making his way up the drain pipe as I pulled him up.
"Your room is nice," he said, eyes panning around the walls. He just stayed standing up, like he didn't want to sit in fear of being impolite or something. I laughed. "You can sit down, y'know."
"Right," he said, sitting down at my vanity. I watched as he looked at the picture of my mother on the glass table.
"This your mom?" He questioned, already knowing the answer. "You look like her."
I exhaled, falling back into the mattress. "I wish."
He set the picture frame back down, coming up to me. Billie kneeled at my bedside and looked at me with his shining green eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that?"
I shrugged. "Can't say I do.."
He sighed, laying back on my floor. I watched as he visibly went deep into thought and felt like I might cry. That happens sometimes.
The moonlight reflected onto Billie's face and suddenly, I wanted to be closer to him than I ever had anyone else. Truth be told, Billie made me feel some type of way.
I watched as he closed his eyes and his breathing slowed.
"Jesus," I said. "Don't fall asleep on me, man. Especially not on my floor... just get in my bed, oh my god."
He sat up and sat on the edge of my bed hesitantly.
"What if your dad comes in?" He asked carefully.
I laughed. "He doesn't come in my room. I'm practically invisible to him. In the event that he does come in, you run into my closet as fast as you can."
He nodded.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is that really what your worried about?"
"I mean, I wouldn't exactly love to make my first impression having your dad think I impregnated his daughter, so.."
I almost snorted. "Did you just fucking say 'impregnated'?"
Billie only turned to me and smirked.
"Billie joe Armstrong," I said. "You're one weird fucking kid."
"I guess you're right."
I sat up and grabbed him by the chin, pressing my lips to his, not too gently nor too passionate. It was the perfect kiss; I knew because as soon as I did it because my stomach let off that warm feeling that spread all through my body, to my chest up and through my cheeks. 
While my tongue slides between his lips, I think about how unfathomably good it feels to be in the hands of someone who cares. Someone who shares the same mindset as me. A few months ago, I would never have thought it was possible for me. And now. Right now. I'm here with Billie and his hands are placed carefully on my hips, and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time and the thought of it is just too beautiful.
Just as that thought breaks out, I feel my eyes burn again. I don't feel broken.
He pulls away and we both open our eyes in the dim moonlight that leaks through my window, panting. As the tear slid down my cheek, Billie's face twisted in concern.
"Did I do something-"
"No," I laughed as I swiped the salt water off my cheek. "I was just thinking."
The light in his eyes dimmed. "About?"
"About how good it feels when I'm with you."
I admit, it's cheesy. Maybe it's not, who knows really? All I know is there wasn't a single second of hesitation in my voice, and not a hint of regret lingering in the back of my mind.
He just looked at me the same, his green eyes pleading me to say more.
"I don't know what you're doing to me," I started, swallowing back the fear that I'd say something wrong. "But before we had.. whatever this is we have now, I was the most bitter girl in the world. That's obvious to you. But I was so angry and hurt and I was too afraid to let anyone near me because I thought they'd leave.. I tried doing that with you... but I'm not scared anymore. And even if I were..."
"You're stuck with me," he finished.
I hadn't realized I'd been staring at my carpet the entirety of my rambling until I'd seen him looking me right in the eye with that soft look in his green eyes. He must've been tired.
"Yeah," I said. "That's exactly it."
Surprisingly enough, it wasn't even sarcastic. I meant it.
Out of nowhere, I got an idea. I shot up from my spot on the mattress and changed the vinyl in my record player.
"What're you doing?" Billie asked, coming up behind me and snaking his arms around my waist.
Just then, Love Her Madly by The Doors began to play, and I pulled away from him.
"Dance with me."
He looked entirely dumbfounded. "What? No, I can't-"
I shushed him. "Neither can I. Now, fucking dance with me."
And so he did just that.
Jim's fire-and-honey like voice lead us as Billie spun me around. I stifled a laugh, wasted off of happiness.
We danced the night away. It seemed like the song went on forever, and I was all too grateful for it. I wanted every minuscule second to be spent as close to Billie as possible.
When the song had ended, I was still dancing, but Billie had stopped.
"And you say I'm the weird one," he joked. I laughed again and finally stopped dancing.
The after effect of my happy daze had worn off and been replaced with exhaustion. Everything seemed to shut down.
"Can we lay down?" I said. "Jesus, I'm tired."
Before Billie could answer, I'd taken him by the wrist and pulled him under the covers with me.
I remember mindlessly making out with him again for a little while. But then all my troubles seemed so far away as a haze filled my mind and I relaxed.

Yay!! It's late and I can't sleep so I figured I'd update, wooooOoOh!

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