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The lone girl trudged down the soaked pavement eager to be at home and in bed. It was a cool rainy day, and the girl was clad in pink sneakers, a hot pink jacket, and a light blue skirt. She started to sniffle, already feeling the affects of an oncoming cold. After reaching the big desolate house, she dug in her pockets to retrieve her house key. Swinging the door open she found the place to be empty, as expected. Her father is a scientist, so she figured he was working late at the lab, again. Her two sisters were probably out doing fun adventurous things. The youngest, Bubbles, the petite blond with typical bright blue energetic eyes. She was probably at the mall with a friend, or at one of the many clubs she participated in. The eldest of the three, Buttercup, the short raven haired tom boy, with fiery green eyes and an attitude to match, was probably out hanging with her guy friends playing a sport. She enjoyed playing with the guys because her friends treated her just like she was one of the boys. A new comer to the group went easy on her, and boy did she knock him down a few pegs. He stood in utter shock when she scored every single shot she kicked, straight into the goal. The girl giggled at the memory. Kicking her shoes off by the door, she went upstairs to take a shower. Brushing all the tangles out of her long bright orange hair, she turned the water on. Letting the water cascade down her body felt nice, especially after the day she's had. First her favorite teacher called in sick, which meant they got that one sub every school has. The one which is cranky, old, and yells at someone for no reason. Her favorite teacher allows students to search up ideas on their phone to get creative ideas for an upcoming assignment. The sub saw her with her phone out scrolling through Tumblr, and yelled her name out through the whole class. "BLOSSOM UTONIUM!" Upon suddenly hearing her name being shout out she jumps slightly dropping her phone on the table. She looks up to him a tad embarrassed the whole class stared at her, especially a certain boy with dark fiery hair. The sub walks over to her table and snatches her pink phone from her. "What are you doing on your phone?" Blossom blinks slowly the pink tint fading from her face. "I was searching through my phone to get creative ideas, just like Miss Fay instructs us to do." The sub's brow furrowed, " Do Not talk back to me Ms. Utonium. Miss Fay is not here today, so this entire class goes by my rules until she returns. Do you understand?" She looks back down to the table,"...Yes, sir..." The sub looks satisfied by her answer and walks back to his desk, her phone in hand. Second, she encountered Princess, and she annoyed the living daylights out of her, as usual. Last, she missed the bus, which meant she had to walk home. She could have flown, but the water stinging her face did not sound like a great idea.

Turning off the water, she stepped out, towel wrapped around her body, and went inside her room to change into a pair of pajamas. She plopped down on her bed and sunk into the mattress, wanting it to lull her to sleep. Just as she was about to doze off, a loud pounding on the front door brought her back. Grouchy, and tired she groaned loudly, then stomped down the stairs. Flinging open the door, she glared daggers at the person standing on the stoop. "Yo." Blossom's gaze softened. "What are you doing here Brick?" Annoyed by his sheer presence, she pouted. "Nice jammies Pinky." He used his blood red eyes to look her up and down. She instinctively crossed her arms, and turned red. " Anyway Pinky, I came to return this to you." He held his hand up, which held her phone, and shook it a little. Her pink eyes widened, and grabbed for the phone. He pulled his arm back, and smirked. "Now Pinky, you know this isn't free." He teased her, that was one reason why she disliked him. "I told you not to call me 'Pinky,' my name is Blossom!" She grabbed for the phone once again, and he pulled his arm back more. "C'mon, I think Pinky suits you." He smirked, she wasn't losing to him. Blossom grabbed his hat and held it close. "Give me back my phone," She commanded. He considered his options for a second. Then held her phone higher. She didn't understand why he was being so stubborn. She was sure he'd pick his precious baseball cap over her phone. She placed the old cap on her head, backwards, much like he does. "What is your price for my phone? Emphasis on the 'my' part." He grinned, and put his index finger and thumb under his chin. "Hmm... I wonder what I should ask for..." He slyly glanced over to her fuming form. It was kind of scary. "Okay, okay. Pinky, I want you to go on a date with me tomorrow after school." Blossom thought for a moment, thinking of every possibility she thought his simple mind could muster. What could he gain from this so called "date?" Power? No. Mojo and Him gave all that up to raise the boys. Fame? No, the civilians already know he's the leader of the Rowdyruff Boys. A hit it and quit it? No, he knows she's not that type of girl. She squinted her eyes up at him, "Why..?" Brick brought his eyes to the side of the house and looked up. "Because. You seem different than when we fought as kids..." She saw slight blush creeping up to his cheeks. Alright, now she was interested. He does not act like this at school. He always makes perverted comments to girls when they walked by, and never blushes. Let alone avoid eye contact, that's how he normally gets a date. The girls melt into a puddle when he looks in their eyes. Well except Blossom, she could care less about boys at the moment. School is the main priority, she wishes to get into a top of the line college. She had to admit she was intrigued by the thought that he'd go after an arch enemy. "Hmm... If I refuse?" Brick looked a little bit discontent for a split second. He then smirks, back to his normal cocky attitude. "I'll just keep this until we have one." He waves her phone in front of her face. She would care less about the phone if her whole schedule wasn't planned in it. She grumbles out a annoyed "fine" and says she'll meet him after school. He smiles and grabs his hat off her head. "Great, see you later Pinky." With those words he flew off home, thinking about where to take her.  

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