chapter ten

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Blossom closed the door to her house and hopped up the stairs. Buttercup was in the shower, probably washing off any proof that Butch was with her. Blossom shut her bedroom door, and reached for her totebag. She had been so busy with Brick she had forgotten her homework. No worries though, she would be able to get it done within an hour. She rummaged around and pulled out her math and English assignments. She sat down at her desk and began to work out some equations. After about 10 minutes, it was done. Now for English. They had an essay to do, and it had to be argumentative. She sucked at argumentative essays, which was ironic because she could argue with someone over anything if she felt like it. She used to argue with Brick.

Blossom put her pencil down, and pondered about what their first argument would be about. Before they started dating, she could fight with him about anything. Maybe they would fight about jealousy? Or maybe what to do for their next date? Who knows maybe they would fight about the hickeys they gave each other. Blossom shook her head. No, she shouldn’t think about fighting with Brick. She picked her pencil up again and finished the rest of her rough draft. Only the draft was due tomorrow, so she didn’t need to stress. With her homework done, she picked up her phone. No messages. She puffed out her cheeks, and plopped down on her bed.  

What would Brick be doing now? She could guess he was fixing his furniture back to its original positions. Should she message him? She missed his voice. Blossom couldn’t believe how much she missed him, she’d only seen him a couple hours ago. She sighed, “I’ll call him later…” She plugged her phone into her charger, then went downstairs. Buttercup and Bubbles were sitting on the couch having a conversation about their day. Buttercup smiled as she looked up. “Hey sis, how was your day?” Blossom smiled back. “It was good.” She sat between her sisters and gave them hugs. She then leaned her head on Buttercup’s shoulder. Bubbles leaned on Blossom. “What’s wrong Blossy, you seem down.” Buttercup wiggled. “ When did I become everyone’s pillow?” Blossom and Bubbles ignored their sister. “Bubbles, I miss Brick already.” Bubbles giggled. “You’re just in puppy love right now.” Blossom looked confused. Bubbles sighed, “You know, like never wanting to be away from each other, and being super mushy.” Buttercup stuck out her tongue. “You’re really like that with him, gross.” Blossom’s face heated, she then whispered, “I bet you’re like that with Butch…” Buttercup’s head snapped towards Blossom. “What’d you say princess?” Blossom held her hands up in defense and shook her head. “Nothing! Nothing at all! Heheheh…” Buttercup pouted. “Good.” Bubbles patted Blossom’s arm. “Don’t worry Blossom, I’m sure he misses you too.” Blossom smiled. “Wanna watch a movie?”

Brick missing Blossom was an understatement. He had put his furniture back in their spots just like Blossom had predicted. Brick sat in the living room alone. His brothers had gone out to get dinner. They wanted pizza again. He scoffed. What were they, the teenage mutant ninja turtles? He held his phone in his hand, waiting for it to buzz. He was watching a comedy, but he wasn’t really interested in what the plot was. All he could think about was him and Blossom in his room for the oh so short thirty minutes they had. The way she smelt. The way that her hair moved so smoothly between his fingers. Her soft voice ringing in his ears. How could he miss her so much? He already has her, but he wants more. If he thought of her anymore, he would have no memories of anything or anyone else. He’d also have some private business to attend to if he didn’t concentrate on the T.V.. He touched the new red mark on his neck and sighed. He heard voices come from outside the door. Boomer and Butch burst through the door, like usual. Brick gave them a wave of the hand for acknowledgment. They nodded to him then went into their own rooms. He wasn’t used to the house being this quiet. He was surprised Butch hadn’t thrown a party. Maybe his idiotic brother could sense Brick’s fowl mood. Brick turned off the T.V., and looked at the clock. 7:00pm. He figured he’d eat something. As he was making his lame dinner, a sandwich, his phone began to ring. He looked at the contact info and saw it was Blossom. He dropped his lettuce and answered. “H-hello?” He tried sounding smooth, but he sounded constipated. “H-hey Brick, it’s Blossom.” He cleared his throat. “Hey baby, what’s up?” Blossom sounded flustered. “I just wanted to hear your voice, I miss you even though we saw each other today…” Brick blushed. “I miss you too, like crazy.”

Blossom turned crimson as she squeezed her phone. He had called her baby, and she liked it. He said that, he too, missed her. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to walk to class together tomorrow?” She heard Brick chuckle from the other end of the phone. She loved the sound of his deep voice. It made her heart skip a beat. “Of course I do Bloss. Do you want to do that from now on?” Blossom nodded even though he couldn’t see it. “Yeah…” She could sense him smirk through the phone. “You know Pinky, we do have art class together. Do you want to sit by me in there?” Blossom stuttered “W-well, yes…” He sounded happy, “I’m glad.” She squinted. Although she missed him, she didn’t really miss his cocky attitude. Then her gaze softened. She was glad that he was happy with her, and that she was happy with him.

Brick sat there in awkward silence. Did the line go dead or something? The classic long beep didn’t resonate in his ears so he figured she was thinking. “Bloss? You still there?” He heard her suck in a breath, then fumble around with the phone. “Yeah! Sorry, I was just thinking.” He smiled at her clumsiness. “Oh yeah? About what?” Brick heard the truth and softness of her words. “I was thinking about how happy we are.” Brick’s face slightly turned pink. “I was thinking about the same thing.” They hadn’t been talking long, but it felt like they’d been talking for hours. He knew that when he hung up that he’d miss her, but he knew she always went to bed early on school nights. “Brick I gotta go soon. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight love.” Brick smiled. “Goodnight baby…” Brick hung up, then continued making his sandwich.

Blossom put her phone down, then covered her face with her hands. Her face felt so hot. She had only been brave enough to call him ‘cutie’ and now she had just called him love. He had called her ‘baby’ again. She picked up one of her pillows and squealed with happiness in it. She decided it was time for her to get ready for bed, so she took a shower, brushed her teeth, then settled down with a book, while she snuggled in her bed. Tomorrow she would see Brick, and she wanted to be well rested, and bright eyed for him in the morning. She might even let Bubbles do her makeup. She sighed in content, then fell asleep.

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