Frosty the Snowman

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Frosty the Snowman -


Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul.  

With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal. Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say.  

He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day.  

There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found  

For when they placed it on his head he began to dance around. 

Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be.  

And the children say he could laugh and play just the same as you and me.  

Thumpetty thump thump thumpety thump thump.  

Look at Frosty go.  

Thumpetty thump thump thumpety thump thump. 

Over the hills of snow.  

Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day.  

So he said "Let's run and we'll have some fun now before I melt away ".  

Down to the village with a broomstick in his hand. 

Running here and there all around the square saying "Catch me if you can".  

He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop.  

And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler "Stop!"  

For Frosty the snow man had to hurry on his way.  

But he waved goodbye saying "Don't you cry I'll be back again some day".  

Thumpetty thump thump thumpety thump thump.  

Look at Frosty go.  

Thumpetty thump thump thumpety thump thump.  

Over the hills of snow.


You remember that show, don't you? Frosty the Snowman comes to life and becomes the children's best friend? It really was a fantastic cartoon. As a child, I was hypnotized by the possibilities and became obsessed with trying to make a snowman come to life. I was always an antisocial kid and wanted a mystical friend, one just like Frosty.

Each and every year when it started snowing, I would run outside and begin building snowmen. I constructed each of them differently. Some were just one long oval body, others had the classic three spheres, some were made of more balls, others less. I used different materials each time too. The arms, eyes, nose, and mouth, all fashioned from various items. I also dressed them using different styles of scarfs, hats, and even a few vests. According to the tune, the hat was key and so I hunted down every hat in the house to use.

I would wake at the crack of dawn every morning during the winter months and rush outside to build more snowmen. My parents usually forced me to come in for meals, in which I would scarf the food down quickly and escape back into the cold, white world outside. I would remain in the yard until my family literally dragged me back in at night. They caught me sneaking back out more than once. My mother and father expressed their concerns with my behavior more than once, and even took my to a psychiatrist. I never told anyone why I built so many snowmen though.

I was trying desperately to discover the secret to creating a living snowman. As I grew older, a new idea dawned on me. What if the secret wasn't in the hat? What if the idea was to trap a spirit within the snow?

At thirteen years old I began killing different animals in the neighborhood and forming snow figures around the dead carcasses. After adding animal bodies to human forms failed, I rethought my approach. I wondered if the snow creatures needed to match the animals living form. I started creating snow dogs and cats for my snow families. Even then, I failed to make a snowman live.

I'm now thirty four years old, and still trying to recreate Frosty. My snowmen displays became quite the spectacle. Townsfolk and tourists would both travel to my home in December only to stand on the sidewalk and marvel at my creations. None of them understood what I was trying to do, but they seemed to enjoy the extravagant display.

I killed a young girl today, no more than ten years old. I strangled her as she walked by, probably heading home from school. I picked her because of her youth. Perhaps the age of the spirit was key to the magic.

I decided to strangle the girl due to another idea that recently came to me. What if the body that once housed the spirit couldn't be badly damaged? What is there could be no punctures, no leeks in the souls old host? Only time would tell if this was indeed the answer and I'd finally gotten it right.

She was short enough to fit inside of only two spheres, one for the body and another for the head. I hollowed out the circles first, then slid her into place. I packed the snow tightly around her lifeless corpse, attempting to fuse her essence with the snow as I did.

Once she was intact and finished, I wheeled the snowgirl into the front yard and positioned her around the other would-be Frosties. Daylight had barely broken on the horizon, and already there were a few onlookers standing on the road.

One of them spotted me and began waving his arms frantically in the air to get my attention. I walked over to the edge of my property to see what it was he wanted.

"I just wanted to tell you that your snow figures are amazing. I drove three hundred miles to see this, and it's even more beautiful then I expected." he announced.

"Thank you sir. Is your family with you?" I inquired.

"No no. It's just me." He responded.

I smiled warmly at the gentleman, wondering if he could be the one, my Frosty.

"Why don't you come around back to my shed and I'll show you my process for making them." I offered.

"I'd like that." He replied cluelessly while grinning from ear to ear.


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