Psycho's Christmas Alphabet

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Psycho's Christmas Alphabet -


A is for ARTIFICIAL trees with ANGEL toppers we oppose,

B is for BLOOD, BRIGHT red like Christmas BOWS.

C is for COAL, taking CHILDREN'S hopes and CHRISTMAS CHEER,

D is for DECEMBER the most DEPRESSING DAYS of the year.

E is for EVIL ELVES and poisoning the EGGNOG,

F is for FESTIVE FEASTS, and people stuffing their FACES like hogs.

G is for GHOSTS of victims once covered in GRISLY GORE,

H is for HOPE, destroyed by Psychos HO-HO HORROR.

I is for ICICLES, the IDEAL weapon to use,

J is for JACK Frost, JOLLY in his kills and abuse.

K is for KRIS KRINGLE, KILLED by Psycho one day,

L is for LIGHTS, and hanging victims in the LOVELY display.

M is for MISTLETOE, the perverts and MOLESTERS favorite tool,

N is for the NORTH Pole, which Psycho NOW rightfully rules.

O is for ORNAMENTS, made of hearts, lungs, livers, not an ORGAN is spared,

P is for PSYCHO, denying you PRESENTS, PEACE, or PRAYER.

Q is for QUESTIONS, unanswered with smart QUIRKS added,

R is for RUDOLPH, the REINDEER gone RABID.

S is for SLEIGH rides in the SNOW, and SLAYING others along the way,

T is for TOYS, with TOMMY guns, knives, and TOMAHAWKS we play.

U is for UGLY sweaters, worn while UNWRAPPING USELESS gifts, tossing them like salad.


W is for WINTER WONDERLAND, snow WHITE splashed WITH red.

X is for XMAS, the night Psycho made Santa dead.

Y is for YOU and me, dancing in YESTERDAY'S ruins YELLING "YAY!"

Z is for ZOOMING over ZOMBIES in a magical sleigh.


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