The Beginning of an End

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Camila's POV

I am sitting in the middle of a beautiful rose garden on a rooftop of the apartment, with closed eyes, as the cool wind of San Francisco slowly hits my face. I relaxed my body internally to the smell of the lovely flowers that surrounds me, this is the most relaxing  place I have ever been into my life and it feels like I am in heaven. When all of a sudden I heard someone calling my name and someone's tapping my shoulders.

"Camila! Camila!"

Oh, god it was just a dream, a realization that hit me as I slowly opened my eyes to reality, and there I see a nurse tapping my shoulder.

"How long was I out?", I asked the nurse with an apologetic look, and she answered me, "About six minutes Doctor."

"Thanks. OK. I'll be right there!", I answered as I hurriedly got up from the couch which I fell asleep into. I rushed to the coffee machine to take a cup of strong coffee. I am exhausted but I need to fulfill my duties. Being the only female resident vying for that attending physician position is so hard if I don't work my ass in here. Not that I hate my job but the real reason is that really wanted to stay in SF. San Francisco is my home now, my sister is living here now too after our parents passed away four years ago. I also have an apartment with an amazing view of the city that I don't want to leave, it's quite and investment for me I'm telling you.

"OK, I'll be outside.", I heard the nurse replied as she rushed out from the doctor's lounge.

"Hey, Mila!", I heard a fellow, she's coming inside the doctor's lounge. "What are you still doing here? How long you been on?", Dr. Dinah Jane's asked me with a very surprised look.

"Twenty-three?", I countered back as I slowly sip the hot coffee in my cup. I really never counted the time I was in this hospital.

" Twenty-three?", she sounded shook, "Time to go, Mila!", she told like she was demanding me to go home already. But I told her that's not gonna get me an attending slot, and I walked passed her to go outside and I just heard her sigh at me while giving me that unknowing look.


"Adams? She needs to know how to redress her sutures, but then she can be discharged." I am telling the nurse beside me while I have her the patient's file that I'm checking as we wook the ward's ally.  "No, no. Ellis needs an EKG. I don't like these swollen ankles. All right.-" I told her once again file after file while giving her all the order. "Thanks Doctor," I heard her as she accepted all my orders and left.

When all of a sudden I was met by an arrogant man in a white lab gown.  "Hey. I took care of Trauma Two while you slept", I heard the voice of Shawn, I see him coming from the nurse's station while he was holding his stethoscope around his neck. God I hated him, he's like my number one nemesis for the position of the new attending physician.

" I wasn't sleeping, I was just..." I was trying to reason out but he cut me off with an answer, "You're welcome,Mila!" then walked away while brushing his shoulder on mine. God he is so infuriating. But a male nurse suddenly approached me telling me that I'm in-charged of bed five and eight while handing me the files, well that got my attention out from the hatred I felt for Shawn.

"Jenny? You seen Jenny?", I called the name of the nurse assigned while I was checking the patient's file. " Sorry. Sorry. I'm here Doctor", she replied while she was coming to me to meet the patient who is lying in the bed.

"Hi, Mr. Clarke. I'm Dr. Cabello." I greeted the old patient while I'm ordering Jenny to do a CBO,lytes and a UA.

"Anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable today Mr. Clarke?", I asked the him and he simply answered, "Marry me?", he sounded so jolly while asking me. "Wow", I answered him bemusedly while the nurse beside me (Jenny) was chuckling about the reply. He sense that I was hesitant so he told me that he has his own bus pass  while he was trying to get up from his bed with the nasal oxygen attached to him and ready to hug me. " Well, then how could I refuse? Let me just call my sister and see if I can borrow her dress. You sit tight", I answered him to make him feel relaxed and to stop him from removing all the contraptions attached on him. Right there he relaxed and a smile was plastered on his face.

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