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Dinah's POV

I was a little bit apprehensive about meeting a surprised visitor of Camila today. I was stunned by the fact that there was actually someone interested with her, oh and it was a girl. I knew it she was gay! I felt it before ever since she refused Austin's offer for a lunch date. I thought her whole life was the hospital but I guess I was wrong. Today, a beautiful lady with green eyes paid her a visit.

Lauren Jauregui, was her name and it took her a few minutes of explanation for me to believe her that she and Camila were indeed romantically involved. She told she wasn't here when the accident happened like she was on a very important business trip the reason why it took her a while to actually visit her girlfriend. She asked me if she could see Camila alone for a few minutes so I allowed her to do so. Well if she really was her girlfriend I guess they needed time to catch up, even though Mila is in coma right now.

I knew that this visit will actually be important to her then. I noticed it was past 30 minutes already and I needed to cut her visit short because I had to finish my rounds. It's against hospital policy as well to leave a visitor of a coma patient alone in the room for a long time without doctor's supervision so I told her that the time was up and she asked for another five and I gave in. After a few more minutes I already ushered Lauren outside Mila's room. She looked really apprehensive to leave her girl and I'm feeling a little bit guilty but she left otherwise.

"Oh, I hate this." I told the nurse in the nurses' station while looking at Lauren who was now in front of the lift's door waiting for it to open. "She finally gets a life, and then..." I took a sigh and continued to write my orders in the chart.

"You know what?" The nurse started talking to me. "That girl was cute though. At least she got a chance to hang with her for a little while." She said with a deep breath while shaking his head.

"Yeah. It would have been awful if she'd gone through her whole life not knowing what it was all about." I told the nurse back in a sad tone. "Camila's a little lucky though she knew love before the accident happened I never thought she would."

Camila's POV

Lauren had just left a few minutes ago, she actually offered to wait for me at the lobby but I refused and told her to go. I know it's really sweet of her and I really appreciated her efforts nobody in my entire existence actually treated me that way but I will not hold her here beside me, she deserves a life too. She looked miserable when she left though I saw it clearly by the look in her face.

I am looking at my lifeless body right now, I am slowly deteriorating and I know it wouldn't be that long without life-support I'm done. I couldn't keep Lauren her with me she deserves the life. I decided to go outside my room and I saw Dinah talking to a nurse. I walked closer to then and started to eavesdropped. They were talking about me and I could literally felt the pity of the Tongan doctor towards me, her tone said so. I understood how much of a loner I was based on their conversation, so I turned my back at them I couldn't stand what I was hearing already.

I managed to pass through the hospital's walls I decided to take a little tour, firstly, I went to the doctor's lounge and I saw poor Ally taking a nap sitting on chair with a salad container on her lap that wasn't even untouched. She looked really tired even in her sleep, do I looked the same when I was still fully functional?

After a minute I started to moved to the next room and made it through the ICU's stock room. "Oh, my God. Jenny?" I was so shook to see the nurse who was always assigned to my patients' lip-locking with Austin in shelves of syringes. "No wonder I could never find you." I chuckled to my latest discovery.

I realized I was looking too long on the pair who's sucking faces like there's no tomorrow, so I hurriedly moved passing through another wall which leaded me to Shawn's office, my supposedly office if the accident never happened.

"I guess you got my job." I groaned of course he couldn't see or hear me. He was in a deep conversation on his mobile, man he looked even more arrogant compared to before.

"Yeah. I think I've earned it. I deserve it." He spoke to the phone while swiveling his chair and jiggling his pen on the other hand.

"Is that everything you thought it would be?" I started to spoke once again while looking at him fiercely. He now put his foot on to the top of his desk.

"It is. And it's time to upgrade from the 330 to the 740. I'm goin' to the dealer tonight." He continued with his conversation on his cellphone when suddenly the hospital phone line started ringing.

"Hold on. It's Cowell, I have to take this. Hello?" His eyes widened as he started answering the head of consultants. "Really? You want me to do it? Sure, of course I can." And afterwards he put the hospital down and continued talking to whoever it was on his cellular phone, "Dude, did you know I can actually reserve a new Xbox before it is released in public?"  What did Dr. Cowell told him to do? How come he seemed not to care?

"Did you know there's people out there dying?" I muttered and gave him an angry glare if I could only touched him right now I will crushed his neck till he choke and out of air!  "I'm in a coma, have you noticed?" But of course he didn't care he was heartless ever since. Stupid Shawn!


Woah! A little bit short though I can't concentrate because THAT'S MY GIRL music video just came out today. I was supposed to make an update earlier but my life was snatched by the girls! :)

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