Real Introduction

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After the useless call to Normani, Lauren decided to stroll around San Francisco. She wanted to find answers to her questions. She wanted to know who's the woman that keeps on taunting her life. So she had a bright idea to do her research. She's on her way now to a small metaphysical bookstore in town.

She is in now standing in front of a massive bookshelf wandering what book can perfectly help her with her problems. She tried picking a book entitled, "Passing On" by Brennan Byers, well it says a guide to the after life, this might help her actually but she isn't sure. 

"Can I help you with anything?", a tall not so dark skinned woman with braided hair tied up tight who was chewing her gum approached her. Well she's the assistant in the bookstore as Lauren assumed who she was basing on the shirt that the girl is wearing, oh she has a name tag too where it was written "Ashlee".

"No." Lauren said she was hesitant with her answer so she rephrased it. "Well what I mean is, do you believe in this stuff?"

"Well, you don't until you do", the girl answered her like she was on high. 

"That's a little dated", she continued pointing to the book that Lauren was holding at the moment. "I recommend the Rosemary Preston. It's totally seminal." She then handed Lauren the book she was talking about. However, we were interrupted by an old man asking her where was the UFO section. "It's back and to the left", she answered the old man in a bored and irritated tone. 

"Ufology. It's not even a real science." She said to me. "So, what kind of encounter have you had?", now asking me.

 "Encounter?" I asked her with furrowing brows.

"Ectoplasm?", she continued, "Soniferous ether? ", what the hell this Ashlee girl was saying to me I can't even understand her terms, yet I allowed her to continue. "I have a killer seance book if you're into communication." Now I got what she meant.

 "Communicating is not her problem.", I retorted at her as a matter of fact.

 "Righteous." She sounded impressed. "I have exactly what you need." Ashlee exclaimed in a hush tone and right away she gave Lauren like 10 books from the shelf about ghost, spirits, etc. 

"There!" She said while rubbing her chin and giving Lauren a smirked. "That will help you".


  ------Back to the apartment:

"Spirit, awake. Spirit, partake. Spirit, without fear. Spirit, appear."

Lauren is trying to do some ritual out from the book that she got from the bookstore. She has candles all over the house while holding one on her hands.

"Are... are you here?" She asked nervously while putting down the candle that she was holding on the floor.

 "Come on, I think you're here." She mumbles as she clasped both of her hands but the spirit didn't appear. How can she make the spirit come back? She's in deep thinking and an idea came into her mind. 

"Okay, I've got a hot, moist cup of coffee in my hand." She said while raising the ceramic cup of coffee with a label written 'CAMILA' on it but she failed to noticed that one. "There is no coaster on this table. I'm going to set it down on this lovely mahogany..." she continued to speak and she's right a voice immediately cut her off. 

"Don't you dare!" the woman told her while pointing a finger at Lauren in a threatening way. 

"We... We need to talk.", Lauren replied to her stuttering. 

"About what?" the woman answered. 

Now, it's Lauren's turn to ask questions. "Has it crossed your mind that there might be something a little off about the way you've been spending your days?", she asked the woman in front of her. 

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