Meet the Real Me

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Camila's POV

It wasn't easy for me to allow Lauren to sleep with someone else but I have to she deserves to be with someone else who's alive and could be there for her physically. So I did what I have to do I disappeared, and here I am belittling myself on the rooftop as I enjoy the view of the city lights, when all of a sudden I heard the sounds of footsteps. 

"That was quick." I said lowly as I saw Lauren approaching me.

 "Come on, nothing happened." She stated firmly while scratching her head and walked towards me. I felt relieved of the confession. 

 "What'd you say to her?" I asked her, she was now facing me but she maintained her distance and her hands in the pocket of her jeans.

 "Uhhmm...that I was seeing someone." She replied while fidgeting with the hem of her shirt this time then looked away from me. 

 "Honestly?" I cockily replied at her of course I didn't believe that she was seeing someone else I never knew she dated someone during her stay in this apartment. 

 "Well, I didn't mention that I was the only person who could." Her reply caught me off guard I knew who she mean and that I wasn't able to hid the smile it brought in my face. 

 "You know, I haven't......haven't really been with anyone since......since Lucy." She looked at me seriously in the eye then looked away again, well that hurt I could actually see the longing in her eyes. She must be so in love with her wife. "She was cursing at her shoe." Lauren continued her story about her wife. "Her heel had broken. And then she just kind a sat down and put her hand to her head." I listened attentively to her story. 

 "Cerebral hemorrhage?" I tried to ask her what happened and if my assumptions were true of how her wife died. She gave me a weak nod and took a deep breath, "And...I couldn't do anything to help her. She was, like, gone." And tears started rolling down her cheeks as she continues to recall what happened and I'm mentally cursing myself for bringing up the topic. "I couldn't even say goodbye, and she was just...She's gone." The green eyed girl took a deep moan and looked at me sadly. 

 "What was she like?" I asked lowly. 

 "You know, she was just a big pain in the ass." She laugh a little so I did as well, she's now rubbing the tears of her eyes. I looked at her with a look that says continue. "No, really. I mean, the bras on the doorknobs, leaving the car with the...with the gas needle below empty." She continued her blabbering as I listened to her thoughtfully. "She couldn't put gas in the car. It was impossible for her. And just total stubborn inability to master a remote. "So she would just randomly click buttons, until the TV was snarled into some unmanageable condition." She was ecstatic on telling me about this it hurt a little bit but I knew she was talking about the girl she fell in love with. 

"I mean, I'm so...I'm mad just thinking...thinking about her." She masked a fake laugh then looked at me, and elicited one fake smile from me as well. 

"I'm sorry, Lauren." I mean it sincerely this time. I realized how hard it was for her to lose the love of her life on the early stage of their marriage. 

Lauren's POV

After Camila disappeared once again leaving me behind with Gigi, I realized that there is no other woman that I wanted at the moment at its only her, Camila. So I approached Gigi who dropped her towel in front of me exposing her naked body. 


"Camila! Camila!" Oh damn it, I tried calling her while turning around at place and only that time I realized that I had companion. "Hey, Lauren. It's Gigi." The blond woman replied as she dropped her towel exposing her whole body. Gigi was a gorgeous woman I f I didn't have eyes for someone else I could take the blond woman at that very moment. 

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