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Camila's POV

One month had passed since the day I regained my consciousness and it's been two weeks since I had been released from the hospital. I've been staying with my sister's home at the moment. She said my apartment had been on lease since I was in the hospital but her husband and she are trying their best that I will gain the lease again since she knew who the new owner was and it will be possible. I feel really blessed to be alive after the accident my sister told me that she almost gave up on me since there was no sign that my status was improving. She said everything that happened to me was a miracle. But despite feeling blessed I still felt empty, it was like a missing piece of me was missing.

I remember the day I woke up in the hospital alley next to my sister and an unfamiliar lady. She has emerald eyes that I haven't seen before but I couldn't remember who she was. She seems to know me very well but how was it that I couldn't remember her. My sister tried telling me who was she but the idea didn't sync in to my thoughts. So I decided to focus on my therapy and to regain my physical strength so I could be able to work again. But still the question was, "who is she?"


Today we had a small family picnic together with my sister's family. I looked at them from a distance seeing how happy they are and though they were my family I felt incomplete. There is always something that's pinning inside of me like I was missing someone or something but I couldn't identify what or who it was.

"Aunt Camila, come on!" My nieces snapped me out from my thoughts.

"Come on!" Sofi said as I follow behind their tracks we were going home but this time she had good news for me. The new owner of my old apartment said that we could rent it back and that I could move in next week. The news indeed brightened-up my gloomy mood for the day. I'm excited to be back. I'm excited to be home.


Lauren's POV

Camila never remembered me but Sofi keeps on updating me about her status. How she had regained her strength, and started living her life to normal again. However, Camila remained oblivion about everything that had happened between us.  A week after Camila regained her consciousness in the hospital and was being prepared to be released from the hospital she was asking about her apartment and Sofi informed me about that. And I asked Sofi a favor whether Camila could stay with her for a while until I am done with my plan.

**flashback** "

What is this place?" She glance back at me, she looked so overwhelmed about what she's seeing.

  "I made this place." I replied to her instantly and she stopped her steps and looked at me in the eye. I could see how shook the girl was.

"This is my work." I confessed to her.

"I was a landscape architect. I had my own company for a while."   "

Lauren, I've been here before." She nodded and started pacing again.   "

What do you mean?" I asked her have she been in this place again. "I know this is gonna sound really strange, but I dreamed of this place." She confessed as she continued to observe the place.

"These flowers, everything. It's beautiful. I had no idea, Lauren." She stopped and looked at me face to face.

"What a joy it must be to create a place like this." She was smiling at me and that really made me happy.

  "Yeah, it was." I flashed a little smile at her.

"Is it gonna be again?" She looked and I knew that by the look in her eyes she was asking me if there was any chance that I'll go back to what I was doing before.

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