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It's the second day of their mission to find the real identity of Camila. They are now in the driveway inside Lauren's truck heading towards the address that they found written in the paper. They are somehow driving in a wealthy neighborhood, and stopped in the curb beside a house and both stepped outside the vehicle.

"This is 425, that's what I think and you also said it's a five." Lauren is comparing the house number in the address they found that is written in a piece of paper and yes they are in front of it now. "Does it look familiar?" She tried asking Camila while pointing to the house.

"Not really." Camila answered back while shaking her head as she move next to the taller girl. They are now walking towards the door and as they arrived in front of a glass door Lauren started ringing the doorbell twice. They are patiently waiting for someone to open it up for them.

After one more bell a respectable looking man in his coat and tie, maybe around his late forties opened the door to greet Lauren.

"Hi", she greeted the man.

"Hello. Can I help you?" The man replied to him in a sturdy, curious voice.

"Uhmmm, this might sound a little odd, but I was wondering if you knew a certain woman." She nod at Camila and she reciprocated Lauren's action with a thumbs up while the man in front of him raised a brow.

Uhmmm, she's a brunette, a Latina, brown eyes, big butt, about five-foot-two..." she looked at Camila who's eyes widened upon mentioning her butt. "Two. And a half" Camila rolled her eyes while telling Lauren her exact height.

"Right, about five-foor-two and a half", Lauren completed her sentence and faced the man.

"Oh, my God. Who are you?" The man look a little bit surprised about what she have said and he moved closer to Lauren.

"I don't know you. I..." Lauren started to back off as she noticed the man is moving closer to her.

"Did my wife hire you?" He said in a voice that only Lauren and him could hear. Then she took Lauren by the collar.

"I'm sorry, what?" Lauren looked a bit scared and she tried to removed the hands of the man off her collar. The man eventually let go of her.

"I knew she'd find out. Whatever she's payin' you, I'll double it." The man who now went outside the house told Lauren as he pat her shoulders. "Anything you want." He whispered to her.

Camila and Lauren looked at each other curiously, what is this man talking about.

"I'm not looking for money, sir." Lauren countered back and move a little bit away from the man.

"Donald! Who is it?" They heard a voice coming from inside of the house.

"That's her." He said to Lauren. "No one dear just some sales agent selling about something", he spoke loudly. "Come back around six. I'll have a check ready." The man told her and he went back inside the house immediately and closed the glass door right in Lauren's face.

"Wow." Lauren turned around feeling a little bit flustered of what just happened as she and Camila walked towards her truck.

"What? You don't think I actually had sex with that old horndog." Camila huffed at her with both hands in the sides of her waist.

"It kinda looks that way, Camzie." She teased Camila even more and she chuckled which of course irritated the brown eye girl even more.

"It's Camila." She stopped walking and face Lauren.

"And that's disgusting." She pointed towards the house which even made Lauren burst into laughter.

"Well, look on the bright side Camz. At 6 o'clock, I'm coming into some money." Lauren who continued laughing while she opened the passenger door for Camila. "Come on get inside". This action took the brunette by surprise, wow she's a gentle woman she never thought about that of Lauren. Why not they are always bantering right? But this relaxed her a bit.

"Thank you", Camila said to Lauren in a well mannered tone this time.

"You're welcome." Lauren said grinning and move towards the driver's side of the vehicle.

Lauren is now trying to buckle up her seat belt when Camila started talking again like a machine gun so she looked at the brunette while her hands are on the steering wheel and listened to whatever Camila's talking about.

"Oh, my god, Lauren!" Camila looked at Lauren eye to eye and she covered her mouth but then again she started talking. "Maybe I was a slut. A lonely, home-wrecking slut." Lauren started chuckling again about what Camila's saying the hands of the brown eyed girl are on the air doing some actions which Lauren think makes her more funnier. Man this brown eye girl has some sense of humor.

This time Camila felt a bit offended by Lauren's laughter so she gave the green eye woman a look."So what if I was a slut? There's nothing wrong with a healthy sexual appetite." Camila explained to Lauren in a matter of fact tone inside the truck.

"Not at all." Lauren answered her back smiling and started to drive the vehicle away.

However, in the number 426 house across the street, Dinah Jane came out from her doorstep to check her mailbox.  As she curiously eyed from the distance the truck that just left her driveway. "Who was that?" She told herself and she went back inside the house.


Sorry, this chapter is a little bit short. I'm having some back pains now. But I'm trying to make it a double time. I really wanted to finish this story.

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