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Lauren's POV
I kissed her, yes I kissed her and she vanished from my sight. These can't be happening to us, no please oh Lord not after I just confessed how much I love her, not that I just learned that we were destined for each other. I'm going hysterical this can't be happening I felt my whole world just shuttered into pieces once again. I can't let her die without a fight but these guards are pinning me against the wall, they wouldn't let me get near her anymore. I heard the long beep of the cardiac machine, and a straight line was displayed in it. No she can't be dead, I love her, I need her in my life, she's not supposed to leave me now. We were destined to be together, we can't end like this.

"Help her! Please help her!" I've used all my strength to escape the strong grasped of the guards while I was crying my heart out loud. I tried to kick one guard in the balls so there were five of them holding me now.

"Give me a sedative." I heard the Shawn guy muttered to a nurse. I am sure it will be given to me since I'm acting like a manic having an attack at the moment.

"Gimme five of Haldol." Instructed the nurse again.

"Help her! I told the medical team that was surrounding the gurney where Camila lies down.

"Camz! Camz please fight back" I was frantically shouting in the whole way while the strong guards were struggling to keep me calm. "Let me go!" I said louder.

Meanwhile, Shawn was already ready to give the sedative shot that he asked from the nurse when all of a sudden the cardiac monitor's beeping sound change that caught all of our attention.

"What's going on?" I heard Sofi asked the medical team she was standing almost like a statue in the head part of her sister.

"That's not possible." The Shawn guy said, the security guards now released their hold in me they were also surprised of what happened. The cardiac monitor of Camila started to indicate signs of life again. I could see her heart beat, she's alive. I almost choke myself with tears. She came back.

Camila suddenly made coughing sounds. I saw her sister immediately move beside her and her friend Dinah as well. God I couldn't believe it she's alive yes, she's breathing and moving, she's alive. I heard several doctors and nurses beside me muttering several, "that's not possible" but it is right? She's here. I'm in a state of shock. I couldn't even move a foot towards her all I know was that the tears that streaming down my face was of happiness and not sadness.

"Camila, Kaki? Can you hear me?" Her sister asked her gently while holding Camila's hand and crying. "I can't believe we almost let you go." The tears in her sister's eyes started streaming her face.

"Kaki? It's me, Sofi" I saw from afar that Camila slowly fluttered her eyes to open up and made an eye contact with her younger sister.

"Sofi." She muttered softly with an observable crack in her voice. Obviously she's haven't talk for months so it is understandable as her sister gave her a nod understanding that she couldn't talk that much.

"I think I bumped my head." She said as she tried to lift herself up from the gurney but failed to do so. This earned a few chuckles from her best friend and sister. She's still weak to move but she's alive and I'm more than happy about it but her I am still pinned to my position. Sofia must have noticed my hesitation to go near her sister so the younger Cabello looked at me with happy tears in her eyes.

"It's OK." That was my cue to go near her so I did.

"Hey." I said as I held the side rails of the gurney. I really don't know what to say to her because it felt all new again it's like meeting her again for the very first time and I was smiling like an idiot while looking at her perfect face.

"Hello." She replied slowly.

"It's me." I softly said back at her.

"I'm sorry, I don't remem..." She was shaking her head and hesitation was visible in her face and she looked at her sister asking for help.

"Kaki, it's Lauren." Her sister continued for her while looking at me.

"You don't remember Lauren?" Camila shook her head again and at that very moment my heart shattered into pieces once more. She didn't remember me, no maybe she's just a little bit disoriented because she just regained her consciousness right? I tried to saying the places we've share hoping this will help her memory of me.

"The apartment."

"The rooftop."


"Nothin'." I finally muttered holding back the tears in my eyes. She was just there looking at me with an unreadable expression in her face. She couldn't remember me. She doesn't know me and it's killing me.  I looked at Sofia who was looking at me with pity in her eyes but I couldn't give up on Camila right now. I tried to reach for her hand but before I could even hold her she flinch and removed it away from me. And she took deep breaths, she's afraid of me.

"Kaki, you don't remember her at all?" Her sister tried to ask her once more. She shook her head with panic visible in her eyes and with that I knew what it meant. Sofia looked at me with guilt and I understood.

I slowly released my grasped from the side rails, looked at her for the last time and turned to my back and started walking away from her. People were eyeing me closely just like I was walking the walk of shame. Tears were streaming down my face.

The love of my life simply didn't remember me at all. I left the hospital leaving Camila behind breathing and alive while I walked back home with a broken and a dying heart.


Sorry I wasn't able to update immediately I had some responsibilities to taken good care of. My mom made a surprised visit yesterday so I have to drive her around the city and accompany her shopping. Then my dad asked me to do some business transactions in his behalf which I hated the most but I don't have the choice to say no. Anyways, I only have one more chapter left and the story would end. I hope you like it guys I never expected that it will be read though, but thanks. Thank you so much. :)

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