Unexpected Guest

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Lauren's POV

It's been a week since the day we found out the truth about Camila, and the day I left her alone in the hospital. If it was only I who'll decide I would never left her there but she insisted I should go. I realized how much I missed the woman. Yes, I may have been in denial at first but I hate to admit it, I had actually fallen in love with a spirit. Technically she's not dead yet, she only needs to be reacquainted with her physical self. Ever since we made that agreement of finding who she was I started to see her true personality besides knowing the fact that she's attractive. She's funny and really sensitive, which was very different from the mad woman I saw from the first time we had an encounter in this apartment.

Every time I entered OUR apartment, yes ours, well it's still hers anyway. I would always check and call her name out loud, wandering if she'd be back. Of course she would not comeback for you Lauren she already found her body. I guess not. Days had passed living alone and trying to move on with my life I am so used of her presence, the mere fact of her being just by my side even in spirit was more than enough to make me feel my sanity. I even managed to avoid alcohol in the past days knowing she would hate it. I recalled how much she came with me in that bar dragging me out there... "You'll thank me for this one day", I remembered her telling me that, those thoughts of her elicited a smile to appear in my face. I even used the coaster now whenever I sat my drinks in her favorite mahogany table. I was about to eat my dinner when suddenly my doorbell rang.

"I'm locked out." The blonde woman spoke as soon as I opened the door. Gigi, yes she was the one of the neighbors' we interrogated earlier. She was wearing tight blue jeans that hugged her curves perfectly and white crap top and a short red jacket that allowed me to see her exposed skin of her stomach. I remembered how furious was Camila about her and made me laugh a little internally. Anyways, I let her in inside the house. I tried helping her finding some contacts in the yellow pages of the telephone directory so that she could unlock her room. She asked suggestively if I could offer her a drink, so I gave her a bottle from the fridge. She sauntered in front of me towards the living room, sat in the couch and sexily removed her heels while I awkwardly followed her.

"Doesn't this location make San Francisco bearable?" She said while removed her eyes from me to look at the view in the glass window. "Wait, you're not from here, are you?" I just gave her an uncomfortable nod. "Oh, good." She said as she suddenly unzipped her jacket and sexily removed it. "And what's with all the single men or woman in this town? Every time I meet a good-looking guy... lesbian. It's tough." She then looked at me again with a little smirk in her face. I smiled awkwardly once more. "I'd get on the phone and I'd be like, "Hello? Osama? Communism is so over. Like, give your people toilet paper." Good this woman, I timidly took a sit in the other end of the chair, wishing that she will shut her mouth. "So, like, if I had to choose? If I had to choose. Wow. I guess I'd have to go with the midget." She continued while slowly leaning in the couch with one arm supporting her head. Well this was getting more uncomfortable for me.

"I'm sorry... The locksmith, does he know to ring my unit?" I tried to divert the topic.

"I think so. Where's your bathroom?" She stood up and walked towards me. "It's right down the hall there." I instantaneously stood up from my seat and pointed the direction towards the bathroom.

"OK." She said while she purposely shrugged her shoulders on me and walked sexily towards the direction. I noticed that she lowered her pants a bit to allow me to see that she was wearing a red thong.

I took several deep breathes trying to regain my self-control. When suddenly I heard a sigh at my back, I abruptly turned to my back and I was so surprised about whom I saw.

"Camila!" I muttered so surprised I was so elated to see her of course.

"Yeah?" She said with furrowing brows she looked so oblivious about my reaction.

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