4: I Really Like You

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      Texting convo
Justin: bold
Melea: normal

       Justin's Point Of View

It's only been a few days and she hasn't left my mind since. Everything I do or see I wish she was right next to me. I missed her and her company a lot more than I thought I would. We've been texting day and night and every now and then we'd FaceTime whenever one of us gets the chance. My phone brought me out of my train of thought and instantly a smile crept up on my face.


I'm walking down the street and you're everywhere. I can't escape you! ;)

Ha ha very funny, we both know u can't resist me ;)

Oh shut up! I put all the pictures I took of you on a flash drive, if you ever want it :)

Yeah for sure! Do you hve any time off?

No, but after the tour or something we can meet up!

Miss u

I know ;)


I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I went on Instagram and instantly the first photo was a picture she took back in Berlin. I smiled and quickly tapped the heart icon and continued to scroll through Instagram. It was weird not having my main account, but I like having my private one. Where I can post whatever and only have my circle and a few others following me. "Hey man you ready?" Scooter peaked his head through the door and smiled. I nodded and grabbed a few things before walking off the bus and going straight to rehearsals. We were in Denmark and afterwards we all get a tiny break and then we're back on. I sighed as I silenced my phone and grabbed the mic. Rehearsals were always long and tiring. We all want the show to be perfection but it takes a lot out of you.

An hour of rehearsing we finally get a lunch break before finishing up rehearsals. I snatched my phone from my pocket and was scrolling through my notifications while making my way out of the arena and to the car.

Can't wait to see what Denmark has to offer!

I read over the caption and scrolled past it but stopped. My eyes went wide as I scrolled back to the post on Instagram. It was Melea. She's coming to Denmark. I smiled widely as I screenshot her post and quickly sent it to her


Way to tell me that u were going to be in Denmark

I didn't think anything of it, I thought you were finished in Denmark?

No babe, it's tonight and then I go back on tour in 3 days

Then I MIGHT show up to your show tonight, you know if you actually want me there


Hmmm... I don't know, doesnt seem like it...

Babe, I want u to be there. Please come?



I groaned and leaned back in my seat. "You good?" Mikey asked as he glanced back at me through the mirror. "Yeah man it's just Melea! I want her to be here tonight and she's just joking around." I huffed out in annoyance. "Maybe she needs reassurance? I don't know man girls are so confusing." Mikey chuckled and drove off. I unlocked my phone and went on Twitter, scrolling through my timeline and reading endless amounts of tweets from my followers and fans. I need to do something different. It's always the same thing, Instagram, Twitter, shots and Facebook. It's boring doing the same thing everyday. Going to the studio, creating music, going to interviews, talking about my relationships and personal life instead of the music I feel so passionately about. I had a break, but it didn't seem like a break. I was always in the limelight being torn apart from each end. I've made mistakes, but I'm only 22. It's bound to happen, right?

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