10: Questions

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      Justin's Point Of View

I stared at her sleeping peacefully in my arms. Without makeup, her hair braided she still looked absolutely beautiful. I reached over and grabbed my phone and opened my camera. I kissed her temple and took a few pictures. I feel like I'm not going to relive this moment again. I'm scared if I fall asleep and wake up that she'll be gone. It just doesn't feel the same in my bed anymore. The moment she crawled up next to me and wrapped her arms around me, I knew it was never going to be the same again. I know that when we go our separate ways because of our careers it's going to be hell sleeping alone. I loved sleeping alone, but now I just can't nor do I want to imagine sleeping alone. Melea's phone started ringing loudly making her groan half asleep. "God who could be f.ucking calling me." she groaned and reached for her phone. "Shit it's my dad." She sat up and quickly fixed herself before answering his FaceTime call.

"Jeez Mel, you could've at least brushed your teeth." His deep husky voice laughed, filling my room. "Yeah, uhm could I call you later? You woke me up." She chuckled awkwardly. I tried to look over and see how her dad looked but he hung up before I could see him. "Sorry." She whispered and laid back down. "Don't worry about it. I've been up for awhile." I mumbled and pulled her back to her spot. Right next to me.

"We should probably get up. Maejor and Johnny are gonna get lunch for us and you should invite Caroline and Elijah too." I ran my hand through her hair slowly. She nodded and moved closer to me, if that was even possible. "I just wanna sleep. Your bed is so comfortable. I haven't slept that good in so long."  She sat up and stretched. How does she think my bed is comfortable? I wake up every morning feeling like a train just hit me. I chuckled and kicked my feet over and stood up. For once I felt good. My body was relaxed. I walked to my bathroom and did my morning routine.

"Hey baby,I'm gonna go back to my hotel and get dressed. I'll be back in like an hour. Is that okay?" She yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah. I'll call you and ask you what you want for lunch." I yelled back after I dried my face and changed into sweats and a t shirt. I walked out and Melea was wearing one of my tshirts from my  merch. I smirked as I watched her grab her clothes and shove them all into her bag. I grabbed my phone and quickly snapped a picture of her without her knowing and slid my phone back into my pocket. "Okay. I'll see you soon." She ran up to me and pecked my cheek and ran out to her car. I stood by the door and watched her slowly make her way out of the back and onto the main road. I was about to close the door but I heard cameras shuttering in the distance and fans screaming. My eyes went wide and I instantly felt sick. This is definitely going to be another argument I can just feel it. I slammed my door shut and sat down on my couch.

God. What am I going to do? She's never going to be okay with these pictures leaking. Which, I know they will. "Justin Biebers new girlfriend leaving his tour bus in only his shirt!" I can already see the headlines. I sighed and grabbed my phone and decided to call her to let her know.

"Babe? What happened? Are you okay?" Her voice sounded like she was worried and I don't think I'll ever forget this day.

"Yeah, I just. I think I saw paparazzi outside after you left and a few fans too. I just wanted to let you know before anything leaks or whatever." I said slowly, I feel so unsure of myself. I'm scared that this will turn into another argument.

"Oh babe. I noticed them the moment I walked out. It's fine. I figured they were going to be there, and I have to let them in sooner or later right?" She giggled.

Every part of me wanted to tell her that I loved her. She's actually trying and it just makes me fall that much harder for her. If she's trying then I can try and tone down my anger and my over thinking habit.

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