13: You

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      Justin's Point Of View

I called her about a millions times but she never answered. My mind was racing the whole time I was driving around and searching for her. I was right about her hiding something but I never imagined something big. I just had this thought in my mind that she was secretly insane, or she had some crazy ex-boyfriend but never did I think it was cancer. She has cancer. Guilt was tearing me apart from the inside. I've been used so many times that I just never thought someone could have it worse than me. I've been hurt and depressed and I just, I guess I wasn't really thinking about it. How could I have been so selfish? Why couldn't I just let it go? Hell, we haven't been together long enough for her to tell me something like that, so why was I pushing so hard for her to open up? Was she even going to tell me? Is she okay? Did she have surgery? All the questions ran circles through my mind once I stopped at the bar. Her car was here.

Thank god.

I turned off my engine and ran out of my car like rabid animals were chasing after me. I walked inside and saw her  hugging some man through the window. Jealousy was burning through my veins. Why am I so jealous when it comes to her? Why? I've never acted this way before, well, ever since Selena I've just closed my heart off from love itself. I'm scared.

"Mel?" I don't think I've ever been this worried about someone whos pretty much a stranger to me.

"How'd you find me?" She asked as she wiped her tears away. I walked up to her and hugged her as tight as I could without crushing her body. "Are you okay?" Was all I could make out. "Yeah. I'm fine." I could smell the alcohol on her breath when she spoke. Her voice was hoarse. "You just left. You had me worried." I leaned down and stared into her eyes. They were a darker brown now, and her eyes were bloodshot from crying. "Why? I'm nothing special." She mumbled and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "What?!" I gasped. How could she say that? She means so much to me! "I honestly don't know what I'd do if anything were to happen to you. I'd lose my mind." I said truthfully.

"I don't need you to pretend just because you know, Justin

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"I don't need you to pretend just because you know, Justin." She shook her head. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at her like she was crazy. Maybe she is crazy.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her behind me. "What are you doing?" The man yelled as he ran up to us. "Trust me." I said. "Trust you?" He scoffed. "Listen here, just because you're Justin Bieber doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Especially with her." He pointed at Melea. "Who are you again? Last time I checked you're not her dad." I spat and pulled her out of the bar to my car. "Let her go." I heard a gun cock and we both stopped and turned. He was pointing his gun at me, not breaking eye contact. I held tighter onto her arm. She grabbed my hand and slowly made me let go of her as I watched her walk up to him. "It's okay. I have my phone. If anything happens. I'll call you." She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

What do they think I'm gonna do? Kill her?

She walked back to me and slightly pushed me making me look at her. "Come on." She said quietly. I opened the door for her and waited till she got in before I ran to the other side, watching him with my every move. I sat inside and started my car and backed away. "Where are you taking me?" She asked. I grabbed my phone and found the nearest hotel that still had a few rooms.

I drove and didn't bother to answer her question. I didn't know how to talk to her, especially now that she needs me. How do I bring that up? How do I get her to open up to me without pushing her to do it? "Justin?" I parked my car and walked out in front of my car, waiting for her. I heard her car door open and close and faint footsteps coming around next to me. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Do you trust me?" I need her to trust me. "Yeah I do, why are we at this hotel?" She asked. I held out my hand and she hesitantly placed hers in mine as we walked inside to the receptionist. The woman behind the desk immediately sat up and smiled. "I will pay you 10 grand if you don't mention to anyone that you saw me here." I said quietly as she nodded. I grabbed my wallet and pulled out my card and handed it to her. "Today and tomorrow." I said as she typed away on her computer. She grabbed my card and returned it. She handed us two keys and smiled shyly. "Floor 3, room 301." I nodded and walked to the elevators and got inside as Melea followed behind me. "You didn't have to spend that much." She whispered. The elevators opened and we walked out to the very end of the hall to our room. 301.

I unlocked the door and waited for her to walk inside. I closed the door and locked it. I breathed in and turned around to see her standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. Anger and confusion filled her face. God why do bad things have to happen to amazing people? "Okay. What's going on?" She muttered lowly. I sighed and walked up to her, hugging her once more. "I'm sorry." I whispered as my hand tangled in her long dark hair. "For what?" She chuckled in shock. "I've been pushing you to open up to me,and I wasn't thinking and I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings and acting out. It's just-- I care about you a lot and it scares me because we haven't known each other that long and I don't know why I've been pushing you to open up, I'm so sorr-." She kissed me before I could rant on. Our lips moved back and forth against each other like tug of war.

Her kisses were eccentric and passionate, even when she merely pecks my lips I still can feel the passion she's putting into it. I melted into her body as we wrapped our hands around one another. I don't want to lose this girl,something about her just makes me want to keep her,not for awhile but for a long long time.

"Hey it's okay." She pulled away and her eyes sparkled again. "From now on I won't make you tell me things unless you want too." I whispered. She nodded and grabbed my hand, guiding me to the bed. I sat down next to her and she held my hand tightly, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

"I'm okay. I'm not in remission yet, I take medication everyday and I have to for the next 7 years. My mom died, and so did her mom. It's hereditary. I had radiation done, and I got most of my tumor removed. I'm okay." She explained and nodded. I felt relief wash over me. She's okay,but for how long? Am I really okay with this? Am I still going to be apart of her life knowing there is a chance she can't make it? God this feels like Avalana all over again and I don't think my heart can handle this.

"Hey, look at me." Her hand caressed my cheek as she brought it towards her. "Don't worry too much about this. I understand why you acted like you did and it's okay. I forgive you." She said softly. Her voice was so calming.

'I love you' was on the tip of my tongue. I feel like I'm my heart that I do, love her. I know I do but it's too early to tell her that. I have to wait. She stood up and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. "Come with me." She had a towel wrapped around her naked body, my eyes went wide and my first response was to look away. I didn't want her thinking I was just using her for sex or anything like that. "It's okay to look Justin. Take a shower with me." She giggled and slightly closed the door. I sat there contemplating what to do.

F.uck it.

I ripped off my clothes and stumbled to the bathroom. I breathed in heavily and walked into the shower. Water was drizzling down her gorgeous body, but this felt different. It felt more intimate, it felt more loving.



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