21: Can't Sleep Anymore

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Caroline's POV:

People forget that your significant other doesn't have to be the one to break your heart. Anyone that you love, has the power to break your heart into tiny pieces without realizing. The little things can make your heart sink, and you get that ache in your chest, and that lump in your throat that makes it so hard for you to swallow. The pit in your stomach. The overall feeling of heartbreak. I knew Melea like the back of my hand. She is, or was, my best friend. How did i not notice she wasn't okay, and why didnt she tell me? I would've been there for her through it all.

I waited for hours after her appointment. I got everything ready to surprise her for the good news. After 4 hours i called and texted her but she never answered. After 8 hours, i called Justin to see if he heard from her, but he never did. Why would she do this?

We all could've helped her. We would've supported her. Melea disappearing shattered my heart, I dont think i'll ever forgive her, but dear God i wish she would call one of us to let us know she's okay. I lost sleep searching for her all over California, social media, calling everyone on the east seeing if they've heard or seen her, but its always the same answer. "No, sorry." I just need to know if she's okay. "Give me a minuet." Justin spoke bringing me from my thoughts as he stood up and walked upstairs. "How are we going to find her?" I asked Elijah, we both knew the answer. We don't, but it wouldn't hurt to try. " We'll just keep posting on social media, and put missing fliers up, keep asking the new broadcasts to share and ask everyone. We'll find her. " "What if we're too late?" I asked what everyone was thinking, if shes been gone for 3 weeks, and was told she only has three months left, then we're losing time faster than we expected. "i'm leaving. i'll be back" Justin came down in clean clothes and slipped on a hoodie. "where are you going?" Alfredo asked. "To find her." Justin said sternly as he grabbed his keys and walked out the front door, we heard his car engine revving as he was leaving.

"I hope he finds her." I mumbled, unlocking my phone and posting another post of Melea. Justin helped out and posted one too which got a lot of peoples interest, but still no luck.

My post quickly got 30,000 likes, the comments were rushing in but none of them knew where she was. Im quickly losing hope on finding her, and the exhaustion is taking over, i cant do this any longer, but i miss her.

I wish she'd come back.

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