Find Your Love

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Robyn's POV
I fluttered my eyes open and looked over my side to find my handsome savior sleeping soundly. I started to slowly get up but yelped in pain as memories from last night came back.

"ROBYN?!" Aubrey yelled jolting up from his sleep.

"What are you doing oh my god" he said guiding me back to lie down.

"Sorry" I said feeling guilty for waking him up.

"Just don't move for now" he said turning towards me. "Tell me what happened yesterday".

"I don't think that's a great id-" I started.

"No Robs tell me." He said still looking at the ceiling..

"I seriously don't th-"


I sighed, "I went to end things with Travis for good and let's just say it didn't end well"

"What do you me-"

"He started to scare me so I tried to leave me he grabbed me and dug his nails into my skin" I looked over to see Aubrey's knuckles getting white.


"Keep going" he said

"He wouldn't let me go and....he beat me"

"WHAT??!" he yelled startling me.

"Aubs its really not that serious its okay really it didn't even-"


"Aubs its okay, you saved me" I said cutting him off and touching his hands to calm him down which it did.

"I just... He just....fuck this" he replied getting up; changing back into his clothes .

"Aubrey stop it" scrunching up my face trying to ignore the pain on my side as I got up.

"No robs I swear I'll kill his fucking-"

"JUST FUCKING STOP PLEASE" I yelled forcing him to face me. "Please I'm begging you" As tears started to swell up in my eyes, I started to get on my knees to beg like Chris told me to always do.

"Robyn what the hell get up, please don't EVER get on your knees to beg me or for any reason, I didn't mean to make you cry I'm sorry baby, I'll stay I promise" he said picking me up.

"Thank you" I said hugging him as I fell into his arms when he nibbled my weak spot.

"But I swear if ANYONE puts their hands on you or does ANYTHING to you I will make them pay"

"Mhm" I said still looking down.

"Robs I'm serious, I love you way too fucking much for anything to happen to you, I lost you once and I will not loose you again" he said assuring me.

I smiled warmly to him "I love you so much Aubrey".

He smiled at me.

"You hungry?"

"Fuck yes" I said happily in my bajan accent

Aubrey POV
"Fuck yes" she said smiling.

I smiled still replaying her voice saying I love you over and over again.


"I'll just take my shower and I'll come down when I'm ready" she skipped into her large bathroom.

I went downstairs to her huge kitchen to make one of her favorite breakfast dish: Plantains, eggs, toast, and meat.

About 30 minutes later I fixed both our plates and laid out the table. I went back and got orange juice with alcohol. Not sure why she loves it but whatever she wants.

I felt 2 small arms around my waist.

"Back" she said as I turned to around to look at her beautiful make-up free face. I guess I was staring to long and hard because she suddenly looked offended.

"Look I know I'm not pretty without makeup but I don't want pimples and I didn't really pl-"

"Robyn stop you look beautiful with or without makeup" I softly cupped her face in my large hands. "Don't ever think your aren't pretty or good enough because you are, your perfect in my eyes princess".

Robyn's POV
"Your perfect in my eyes princess" he said calmly making me blush a deep red.

"I-" my stomach suddenly made a gurggly sound ruining the moment.

I silently cursed myself.

"Well let's eat" he chuckled hearing the sound.

Aubrey's POV
"Well let's eat" I said laughing at the sound robs stomach made.

Then it hit me, I forgot I had to be at the studio in about 2 hours.

Fuck. "Robs I need to tell you something" she looked up from stuffing her face. I laughed

"Whattttt this food is good as fuck".

"I have to go to the studio on about 2 hours"

Her face suddenly dropped "...okay" she said sadly.

I felt bad for leaving her but my work had to be finished.

"Or I can just cancel" I said noticing how her mood lit up when I said those words.


"Of course anything for you princess"

"THANK YOUUUUUUU" She came and jumped into my arms.

I laughed. "Let's eat baby girl"

Robyn POV
I smiled when he said he would stay with me. I'm so spoiled it kills. I really love this man, now I just want him to be fully mine. Officially mine.

YESSSS I know this story is kinda out of place, I did this during my science class so sorry if its was bad, I usually right down the chaps on paper then change things up then write on here, today was a horrible day for me but I wanted to get this up. Thanks for all the good feedback I've been getting!! It's means a lot to me.

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