The Monster

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There were pictures of Robyn's beat up face. There was commotion all over social-media.

God, what has happen.

I searched for who was responsible and not to to my surprise it was Travis. I'm not sure what his motives were for hurting Robyn like this, but I wasn't going to sit here and do nothing.

I looked up at Robyn and saw tears streaming down her face. I walked over to where she was sitting.

"Breathe baby" I kissed her face. I took our phones, picked up Robyn up and headed upstairs to calm her down. As soon as I laid her down she gripped my shirt and wouldn't let go. Her eyes were a light red and she looked terrified at something. I studied her only to figure out it wasn't something she was looking at, it was someone.

I paused.


'He's here" I heard her say in a small voice.

"What? Who's he-" I felt two pairs of rough hands on me. My reflexes got into place as I kicked back and  dodged the punch that was coming my way way, but that was coming my way, but that was just a distraction. Smart but not for a good reason. He tied me up and put duct tape over my mouth.

"AUBREY! NO!" I saw Robyn struggling to get out the other masked man's grip. I just thought of a strategy to help Robyn, but then the unexpected happened. The masked man tied up Robyn then took her clothes off. He proceeded to take his clothes off as well. My eyes went wide as I figured out who those tattoos belonged to and what was about to happen. I struggled and yelled to get out of tie I was in but it was no use. I heard Robyn yelp and scream as he pushed his manhood in her. I saw Robyn kick and struggle out f his arms but she just wasn't strong enough.

A few minutes later I finally loosened the ropes and ran to punch him. It broke out into a full out fight.

"Aubs stop please" but I didn't. I couldn't not after what I just saw.

"DRAKE STOP!" I gave him one last punch and got off them. I got a random blanket off the ground and covered Robyn with it. I grabbed the two men- no not even men, boys out and dragged them out the house.

"I want you to leave and never ever come back you hear?" The two of them got into their car and drove off but not without one of them sticking up their middle fingers. I rushed back into Robyn's house and locked the door. Once I got into her room I hugged her as tight as I could.

"Aubrey" a whisper escaping Rob's lips.

"Yes baby?"

"I can't breathe"

"Oh sorry" I let go of her.

"And I'm...... sorry" I looked down on her confused.

"What? No it's not your fault Robyn stop, I'm the one who's sorry. I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry and I love you with all my heart baby girl".

"I love you too Aubrey" She said snuggling up to my chest.

"You good?" I asked.

"I just got raped what makes you think I'm good?" She said a bit annoyed.

"Sorry...I'm just...sorry" I didn't/couldn't find any words to say to her. I was just putting the blame on myself.

"DAMN IT" I got up frustrated, slamming my hands on the bed as I got on my knees and kept hitting my head.

"Aubrey stop." Rih grabbed my hands and put kisses on my knuckles.

"It isn't your fault you were tied up and couldn't do anything about it"

"Yes I could if I would've just-"

"Stop, just stop beating yourself up, it's not good for-" She stopped as if she mentally cursed herself for almost spilling out something.

"Good for what?"

"Nothing, nothing" She quickly responded.

"Alright.." I would find out sooner or later but right now I just needed to take care of her.

Alright, first off a few chaps back it said someone knocked on the door but when Aubrey checked no one is there...that was the guys. Also, I didn't put any pictures because for me I hate looking at Robyn's beat up face and don't even like talking about it so out of respect for her and her fans I didn't put it in the chapter. - Liz

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