Plastic Bag

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I fluttered my eyes open as the sunlight shown through my window. I looked over to see Aubrey still sound asleep. My mouth rose to a smile as I kissed his forehead. I threw the covers off of my naked body and stood up careful not to wake Aubs up. I had an idea of making breakfast for us but when I started walking my private area started aching. The vision of last night came back to me, I shooked my head and giggled, I guess I will be taking a hot bath before I do anything. I slowly walked grasping onto anything I could get my hands on. I turned on the water in my master bathroom. I walked over to the light switch and turned it on. I climbed in the my huge bathtub and did my thing.

 I climbed in the my huge bathtub and did my thing

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A couple of hours later...

I completed my bathing and put my wet curly hair into a rolled bun. I moisturized my face and started to do a light makeup routine. Once I was finished I tip-toed into my walk-in closet.

 Once I was finished I tip-toed into my walk-in closet

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After what it seemed like forever I came to this:

I smiled in my reflection and patted my down my outfit

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I smiled in my reflection and patted my down my outfit. I had no idea what o do with my hair so I untied the bun and smoothed it out.

The more I thought, making breakfast as I made my way downstairs, the more I didn't feel like cooking. I grabbed my car keys and wrote a note for Aubrey.

"Hey babe, you might not see this since your pretty knocked out but good morning, I ran to the store to get a few things for breakfast so don't leave!" I stuck it on the staircase to where he could see it if he came downstairs. I grabbed his car keys and left, locking the door on my way.

I took his car just to make sure he doesn't go against my note and leave. I drove down to a unpopular Wal-Mart. I put on my shades and hat to make sure no one got in my way or recognized me. The Wal-Mart was not very busy and pretty uncommon, not a lot of people came down the street it was on, much to my delight, it made it easier for me to get in, get what I needed and get the hell out. I walked inside and picked up a shopping basket. I went towards the frozen breakfast isle and picked up a few random ones and also chocolate chip pancakes. I also went to the candy and picked out a bunch of king-sized Reese's, Kit Kats, Hershey's, Regular and Sour Skittles. I walked over to the chip section and picked out hot cheetos and regular cheetos. I made my way over to the cashier and changed my tone and accent so I would be unrecognizable.

"37.93 will be your total" her high pitch voiced annoyed me so bad.

I gave her my money and change, I grabbed the bags and walked to the car not caring for the receipt.

Aubs POV

I found my way to Robyn's bathroom and took a nice quick shower. I redressed myself in the same clothes from last night since I didn't bring any extras. I still felt tired since I barely got any rest or sleep yesterday. I walked right back to Rih's comfortable bed.

An hour later....

"Aubrey, AUBREY!" I fluttered my eyes open. "Huh?"

"AUBREY WAKE YOUR ASS UP" I saw the love of my life on top of me. I took the advantage and slapped her ass.

"AUBS! YOU WLL NOT." She removed my hands. " You need to eat baby" Her mood and voice softned. We headed downstairs and to my suprise there was hot food laying out ready to be eaten. "God I'm starving" I laughed as she ran to the table and started chowing down the food she prepared. I went to get us some water and saw three plastic bags. I opened them and saw a bunch of candies and chips. I laughed out loud, thinking , typical Robyn. I walked back to my chair and gave her the water.

"What was so funny that you had to laugh out loud?" She said with a mouth full of food. "Oh nothing" I stared at her for a moment while she greedily ate her food, stealing some of mine when she got the chance.

"You know that kind of turns me on" I looked into her beautiful hazel-green eyes.

"Oh really?" She looked back at me. I could see her lightly blushing since she was light-skinned. Then all of a sudden a rush of notifications blasted on our phones. We both picked up out phones. There was a bunch of tags, retweets, text messages of people asking how we are or feel. I was confused and logged in on twitter, I scrolled down and couldn't stand what I saw. I heard whimpers and gasps from Robyn struggling to breathe.

Oh God what has he done to her.

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