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Robyn's POV (This was before Aubrey came)

I was pissed Aubrey left me. I decided to rub it off knowing we would make up the next day. I still felt bad for what happened to him. 

I walked to my bedroom and stripped down from my clothes. I wasn't fully confident of my body anymore. It felt useless, like a toy people wanted to play with and throw it away. Aubrey was the only one to make my body feel like it was something MORE. I turned on my bathroom light. But then I heard something. It was probably the alcohol talking considering I was still tipsy.

I ran myself warm water and climbed into my large tub.

Then I heard the noise again, but this time louder.

Then I heard the noise again, but this time louder

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The door started the creak, then

"Did you miss me?" A man's voice called out. A man I recognized easily.

I gasped, "Travis?".

"You guessed right" He winked then stepped closer.

I immediately stood up and wrapped a towel around my small body.

"Leave, Now" I said sternly. 

"I would but, I would LOVE to have fun. Looks like your boy toy Drizzy isn't here to save you."

"Travis please I won't tell anyone you came, just leave."  At this point I was beyond terrified.

"No can do, my lady" He pulled out a white looking diaper and walked even closer.

I stepped back and I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed a hold of me; shoved the diaper thing onto my face.

I fought my hardest and tried to scream to get away but I couldn't. He had a tight grip on me and after what it seemed like forever, my eyes started to shut.

Aubrey's POV (After Aubrey came)

"Robyn" I got onto my knees. The scene was too much.

There was blood in the water, a knife in her hand. She was unconscious.

I grabbed water to splash it on her face hopping it would wake her off. Thankfully it did, she slowly fluttered her eyes open.

"Please, please leave" She started to scream and get out of my arms. 

"ROBYN! ROBYN IT'S ME BABY" I yelled trying to get her to calm down.

"Aub...Aubrey?!" She squinted her eyes to get a better look of my face.

I picked her up and carried her to her master bed. 

"Robyn what the hell" There were slits on her wrist and stomach.

"Did you cu-"

"Aubs" She hiccuped with tears streaming down her face. 

"I thou-...I thought you didn't love me anymore." 

"What?" I asked confusingly .

"You- you left me" She stuttered.

"No baby, I still love and care about you. God Robs what the fuck" I wiped her tears away.

But something didn't seem right...something seemed off. Her words were a bit slurred and her door was unlocked.


She giggled "Yes aubyyyy"

"Why was your front door opened?"

"I swearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I locked ittttt." She slurred.

"Robs how many finger am I holding up" I help up 3.

"54" She started to laugh.

She was off....drugged I think.

I got up and started to inspect the whole area and took pictures of it on my cell phone. I also took pictures of her arms which was.......I can't even find the words. It was just all

My quick thinking started to kick in. I noticed a a rag. I picked it up...only guys would have this. 


"Yes?" She looked up.

"What did he look like?"

She thought for a few moments.

"Braids I think"?


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