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Ace had fallen asleep before pulling his pants up all the way. Now, he was knocked out, in the middle of the hallway with his pants hanging off of his ankles.

Earlier, he had woken up along with Luffy, and they were both in the middle of getting ready, when Ace had a sudden narcolepsy attack. He was right in the middle of putting his pants on when he just collapsed on the floor.

Poor Luffy thought Ace had already left without him, so he went to school.

Now, he was unconscious, half naked and about to catch a cold.

What a fantastic way to start the school year.

When he finally woke up, it was 9 AM. School starts at 7:45.

"Jesus! What the hell?!", he exclaimed and struggled to get his things ready.

"Luffy, hurry up! We're gonna be-"

Ace froze when he realized that he was the only one in the house. Both his brothers had left without him.

In too much of a hurry, Ace neglected the idea of breakfast and bolted out the door.

About 20 feet from his house, he had exhausted all of his energy and collapsed on the sidewalk.

Again, he slept for about 10 minutes until a man jumped out of his car to see if Ace was still alive.

Ace had woken up after being violently shook by a....very peculiar looking man.

Ace tried desperately to refrain from laughing to death, for the man in front of him looked nothing different from a walking pineapple.

"Are you OK, kid?", he asked, mildly concerned at first, but relaxed when the boy seemed perfectly fine.

"Yeah, fine. Thank you- oh crap! I'm late! What time is it?!"

The man looked at his watch,"9:20. Why were you sleeping on the sidewalk?"

Ace blushed a bit, a little embarrassed by his own disability.

"I suffer from narcolepsy."

The man gave him a rather sad look.

"Oh, sorry. I could give you a ride if you want. What school do you go to?"

"One Piece High."

"Oh, that's on my way to work, I'll take you."

Ace blushed a bit. "Thank you."

They drove about five minutes to Ace's school. The man started telling jokes while Ace just laughed like a simple minded idiot. Then they pulled up to the school.

"You should be more careful, wouldn't want anything to happen to that cute face of yours.", he flirted.

A deep blush appeared on Ace's face. Why was this man complimenting him like that?

"O-okay. I'll try and be more careful."

"Good. I'm Marco, by the way.", he said extending his hand.

"Ace.", he said, shaking his hand, face slightly red.

"Well, better get going. Don't wanna be even more late."

"Oh, right! Thanks again, Marco. I'll see you around."

Ace exited the car and ran into the large building. Throughout the entire day he just couldn't stop thinking about Marco. He just seemed so cool and sweet and funny and uuhhggg!
What is wrong with him?!

The entire day Ace walked around with pink tinted cheeks. Whenever someone would ask about it, he would state that he had a little cold. He was beginning to get a headache.

*sigh*....this was going to be a tiresome year....

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