Moss Grows Greener With Envy

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The following Monday came dreadfully quick for most. Every person who attended the party spent Sunday either knocked out cold, or hung over. Well...all excluding Ace.

All students reluctantly returned back to the shithole they called school to receive the bleak poison known as education.

Zoro was making his slow, direction less hike to school, constantly recalling the dream he had two nights ago. He had tried to recreation that magical, imaginary encounter, but his mind wasn't having it happen. He ended up dreaming about dancing sake.

"Hey, shitty Marimo!" Sanji screamed while hoisting himself on the unsuspecting Zoro's back. If it weren't for his broad shoulder and back muscles, they would've both toppled to the ground.

"Ugh, what the hell curly-coo-" he was soon cut off by the blond smashing their lips together. That. That definitely made the two fall to the floor.

"Ugh, fuck, Zoro! What the hell did you fall for?!"

"The fuck do you mean?! Why'd you jump on me? And why'd you suddenly kiss me?!"

They sat on the ground and screamed at each other, unaware that they were both missing precious time by the second.

"Uh, what're you guys doing?"

They both ceased their incisive barking to look up to see a scrawny, dark skinned, exhausted looking fellow with shaggy black hair partially covered with a headband.

"Oh, hey Gin! Nothing, just yelling at this stupid Marimo here. Help me up?" Sanji asked his childhood friend, who happily obliged. Gin and Sanji had been good friends ever since 2nd grade. They had been separated for some time because Gin had started middle school back in Cuba, but later returned after some persistent begging to his parents.

"Oh yeah?" He pulled Sanji into a hug, slowly looking the blond up and down with a small smirk. He then offered a hand to Zoro, "hey, I'm Gin. One of Sanji's friends."

"Zoro," he said hoisting himself up, completely ignoring the outstretched hand. "C'mon, Sanji, we're gonna be late." He stated boldly, grabbing Sanji's hand and walking the opposite direction from the school...

Dear God, help this lost soul.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure it's the other way..." Gin suggested awkwardly.

"Right, you stupid Marimo. It's that way." Sanji growled, pulling Zoro to a halt and slid his hand out of the other's grip.

"C'mon, Gin. We're gonna be late. You should follow too, Zoro. Closely." Sanji pulled Zoro's hand in his and began leading him to the school. With Gin walking slowly next to Sanji. They began idle conversation about restaurants and kick boxing. Zoro tried to have a part in it, but he couldn't find the right time to jump in. They were so engrossed with each other, it seemed like no one could break their conversation.

It was annoying.

The entire way to school, Zoro felt like some lost child being led by their mother while she was talking to her infuriating friend. It wasn't long until they reached the building, and Zoro has never been happier to walking into a school.

"Nice catching up with you Sanji, I'll catch you later, " he waved off, beginning his way to class. "Zoro." He nodded towards the green haired boy and walked off.

"Yeah, I'll see you around. Now, let's lead you to class before you end up in another school entirely." Sanji teased before he was violently shoved in an open storage closet.

"Zoro, what the hell was that fo-" Zoro quickly cut him off with the smashing of their lips together in a rough kiss. He pulled back only a tad to look into Sanji's visible eye with a mixture of anger and hurt in his onyx orbs. Sanji stared back, with an equally intense look of frustration and confusion.

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