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Gabriel had a determined look on his face, staring ahead as we drove south. I wasn't sure where we were going exactly, but the compounds in the state seemed to lay in a Bermuda Triangle formation, and as we left the city limits of yet another unpronounceable town name, we took a detour. I looked back, seeing that Draco was passed out in the back seat, his breathing deep and even. I felt a lot better just knowing that he was okay.

"We're in a lot of danger, Gabriel." I whispered, turning back around in my seat. "Pretty soon, there's not going to be anywhere left to go."

"I know, I'm worried." Gabriel sighed. "There was a treaty signed about a century ago that stated the safety of all demons living in compounds. As long as we didn't violate the laws of the treaty, they wouldn't retaliate. Akasha though..."

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Akasha was Yayuki's apprentice, someone who could be a second in command and even a leader if something were to happen. We aren't supposed to attack and kill humans unless absolutely necessary, but she...if she's going after humans day after day, we're in for a lot of trouble."

"What if it's not just her, Gabriel. What if it's the council?"

"The Council?" His eyebrows furrowed. "Explain."

"What if they're tired of following the rules." I whispered. "A friend told me that demons ruled the earth before humans ever did. What if they want that power back?"

"There's a strong possibility that your hypothesis may be true." He nodded finally. "Lohryx was never one to sit back and just let things slide...he couldn't even do it with his own son. I wouldn't put it past him and the other Council members."

"I'm scared." My eyes drifted out the window. "Things may have been bad up in Alaska, but we might have accidentally made it ten times worse."

"All I know from what we did is that they'll be sending out distress calls to keep an eye out for a trio of Yuki's. They'll say we're armed and dangerous, but they'll never be able to find us unless we left a trail of breadcrumbs behind."

"I suppose you're right." I settled down, taking a deep breath as we entered Mount Rainier National Park. There were people strewn about everywhere, exploring the grasses and meadows, taking off on trails around the mountains, and just taking in the sunshine. We parked the truck and I reached back, patting Draco's knee.

"Wh-What?!" He bolted upright, blinking wildly until his eyes focused on me. "Oh, sorry."

"We're here." I smiled softly, and he nodded, the tension in his body relaxing.

"It's been a long time since I've been here." Gabriel sighed, stretching out his limbs as we walked towards the only building in the area. I guess is was a hotel, because it was named "Paradise Inn".

We walked inside, carrying our luggage and what was left of our personal possessions. A woman at the front desk greeted us, and instantly I could tell there was something off about her. I couldn't tell what though. Gabriel walked right up to her and smiled.

"Titania, it's been ages!" He laughed, and the woman held her hands over her lips in amazement.

"Gabriel, if it isn't you!" She ran out from behind the counter and wrapped her arms around him. "How are you doing?! Last I heard you were in Paris with Nox!"

"Things have gone...downhill from there to say the least." He sighed, releasing the woman. I realized now what was wrong: her ears were pointed, unnoticeable if you hadn't been looking. She tucked golden blonde curls behind them, her unnaturally vibrant eyes gleaming under the light. "I just came from Jasper, Titania, it's all gone..."

"We know." The woman lowered her eyes sadly. "We picked up any survivors we could find, they all scattered just about as far away as they could get. We've attempted to get ahold of Hailstorm, but it seems that they want no contact with the other compounds."

"Something's gone very wrong over there." He said grimly, his eyes flicking over to me. "I'm sorry, where are my manners, Titania this is my daughter Nyx."

"Daughter?" She raised an eyebrow, turning to look at me. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "This is the girl you had to give up..."

"Hi." I waved at her shyly. "Nox, um...Nox is no longer with us."

"Oh no...Gabriel, I'm so sorry." She whimpered. "If you don't mind me asking though, what are you doing all the way down here?"

"We had to leave Blackwood, it was becoming overrun with Hunters. During the process we may have destroyed their Institute and killed about half of everyone on staff."

"My, what an accomplishment!" Titania laughed darkly, turning her eyes to Draco. "And I seem to have left someone out here completely."

"Monsieur Draco Amphitere." He bowed slightly. "One of the survivors you did not pick up."

"Well, are you three here to stay for a while?" She inquired. "If so, I'd be glad to get Alberon for you."

"Let's see the old bastard." Gabriel laughed, and Titania grinned before trotting off somewhere. We barely had time to take a breath before a man came walking out of the hall she'd disappeared into. He was unusually tall, his hair a similar hue to Draco's, but his wide grin lit up emerald eyes like none other.

"Gabriel, it's been centuries!" He boomed, pulling the man into a hug. Gabriel slapped his back before letting go, grinning at the Faerie.

"It sure has been, how is everything going?"

"So far, well and good. I can't say the same about Jasper though." His eyes darkened. "Were frightened, Gabriel. Having someone here who's stronger than even I though is sure to settle everyone's nerves."

"I'd be glad to help with whatever you all needed," He began, "But we've been traveling for a long time. Is there any way we could get a bed?"

"Oh, of course!" Alberon gasped, ushering us towards the stairs. "Please, excuse my rudeness!"

We walked down a level, finding ourselves wandering through the halls. The employees only area turned out to be the door to an elevator, and when we walked inside, Alberon took out a key and unlocked a small panel in the wall. It revealed five buttons, two for the top floors, and three for...ones below. He pressed five and we began to descend, no music to be played through the speakers this time. After a few moments we pulled to a halt and the doors opened again, revealing a giant room, full of bustling people. These people weren't just people, though. They were all demons.

"Oh my god." I whispered, feeling my jaw drop. Gabriel chuckled quietly as we walked out, a few people greeting him here and there. My eyes were on a ghostly figure before a man with the head of a falcon came into view. Everywhere I looked there was an anomaly, an abnormality, an abomination. People I knew wouldn't look at me with horror. My colors darkened, and frost rolled off of my lips as I looked around. Some people stared at me in wonder, others in abject indifference, and some even smiled.

"Feels like home already, doesn't it?" Draco asked, and I nodded, trying to hold back tears.

"Everyone here is a monster like me..."

"Mademoiselle, none of us are monsters." He smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and squeezing.

Alberon led us to a hallway filled to the brim with doors. He seemed to be counting along the way, and finally he stopped, pulling a key out of his pocket and unlocking one of the doors. Draco ducked out from the group and walked in, letting out a groan as he flopped onto the bed. I poked my head in and laughed, taking a look around. The lights were like artificial suns in the room, and there was a built in bathroom and a closet. The floors were hardwood and the walls were steel, and the bed looked to be a full. Just the same size as my bed at Gabriel's home.

"I believe I'm going to take a nice nap." Draco laughed, his face buried in a pillow.

"Sweet dreams." I waved to him, closing the door on my way out. Alberon had unlocked the next two doors after him, and Gabriel was standing in the doorway of the far one while he spoke to Alberon. I pushed open the door for the one in the middle, taking in the scent of metallic dust. I sat on the bed and patted the sheets, smiling while I looked around.

I could get used to this place.

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