Day seven

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"He always knew how to get him back."
Michael had made himself wake up before Luke, whenever he woke up, which was around 7:45, he started yawning and scrolling through his phone, he then looked at the time
"Shit! I have to do what I wanted to Luke!" Michael whispered to himself.
He struggled out of bed and got duck tape and ropes, he Stretched and yawned then got on top of Luke. Michael whispered;
"I'm so not a morning person. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, for yesterday. Okay."

Michael started carefully taking Lukes arms above his head, and tying them with ropes, Luke twitching slightly in his sleep, but still sound asleep. Michael had taped his arms as well making it even worse. Then Michael moved to Lukes feet, he tied them and taped them as well. Michael moved back to the restrained boys face, he was still sleeping. His head turned to the side, his arms above his head, his feet tied to the bed posts. Michael started carelessly messing with Lukes Dirty blonde hair, making Lukes eyes shoot open, he panicked when he saw he couldn't move.

"Mikey stop!!!! You know I don't like my hair messed with!!"

"Exactly. What're you gonna do about it huh? You can't move babe."

"Let me go!!"

"Never." Michael smirked.

Michael had started poking the fleshy pudge that was made up of Lukes tummy. Luke started giggling and trying to buck Michael off of him.

"I'm just poking you. I forgot how ticklish you were."




"I'm just poking you. This is nothing lukey. Why not use your weaknesses, yep let's do that."

Michael moved to the spot on Lukes neck and dug in. Luke squeaked and squealed and tried bucking Michael off of him.

"Hey luke, can you like please let go of my hand, thanks."


"Okay. I have another hand."

Michael started tickling Lukes ribs and his stomach when Luke let go of Michaels hand.


Mikey tickled Lukes armpits, Luke screamed and tugged at his arms.

"Okay okay you've had enough, for this morning, it's early. I'm tired."

"Oh you're tired huh?! Look what just happened to me, and you say you're tired." Luke said a bit mad about what had happened.

"Okay chill, you're more tired and I get that, but calm yourself. I won't tickle you for awhile, I promise. No more Tickles for awhile, for the both of us."

"Yeah that's not gonna happen, I may be mad but you're still adorable."

"You're still tied up, I could go back to where I left off you know."

"Okay okay! I'm sorry I won't tickle you, for the next hour and a half. We can go back to sleep, just please untie me I hate being restai- never mind."

"You hate what?"

"I hate being restrained, I like having control of my actions and my body, I don't like them in other people's hands."

"I understand, but you get too violent when you're tickled for me not to restrain you. So yeah."

"Whatever. Just please let me go. I'm starting to hurt." Luke said trying to move.

"Fine. Then we're going back to sleep, we have nothing to do today."

Michael untied Luke and they fell asleep cuddling a few minutes later.


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