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morning time struck while it was a normal morning in the hemmings and clifford house. they had breakfast and then got on the conversation of michael not acting the same around luke.
"michael can i talk to you?" luke said and looked down.
"yeah, sure what's up?"
"i feel like you are acting different around me recently, like you aren't happy."
"luke what?"
"you aren't acting the same, it feels like."
the truth is michael wasn't, he was falling for someone else, crystal. luke didn't like crystal because she would get very close and touchy with michael.
luke started to cry as michael looked down. luke was well aware something was going on but couldn't put his finger on it.
"do you love me? if not please lie to me."
"i do love you, i just.."
"you just what?!" breathing heavier.
"i've caught feelings for someone else, luke."
"michael gordon what the actual fuck?! you said you'd always love me? you never would leave me? i trusted you?! what about all the times you did stuff that i absolutely hated but i didn't care because i loved you.?" luke said with a shaky voice.
"luke please listen to me here."
"what do you want."
"look i haven't done anything wrong."
"are you kidding me? you've done so many things wrong. when i've told you to stop doing multiple things and you didn't, i just went with it because i wanted you to be happy. the nights where i'd wait for you to sleep then i'd go cry in the bathroom and try not to scream because of all of the hurt you've caused me. you not paying attention my fucking consent and totally blocking out my words just to pleasure yourself. you know, fuck you michael, seriously."
luke got up and he went into his car and locked the door. michael started to cry from the words that just came out of luke's mouth.
"i really fucked up." michael said underneath his breath like someone was there.
michael got up and went to luke's car, michael stood outside the passenger side door banging on the window for luke to let him in. luke put his head to the wheel and he ignored the loud banging. after fifteen minutes of michael crying and banging on the window michael stopped.
"luke, please open the door." michael said and luke looked up.
luke unlocked the door and michael climbed in.
"did you cheat on me too?"
"no, i couldn't do that."
"well you could catch feelings for another human being while in a relationship i wouldn't be fucking surprised if you did."
"i didn't know i made you feel that way." michael said in a soft voice
"well now you do, happy?"
luke was angry and upset. he hadn't looked at michael since the conversation in the house. he made eye contact with the boy and michaels bright green eyes with red edges from the tears made his heart melt.
"luke, i promise, i swear, i'll do anything just for you to stay with me. nothing is going to happen between us i promise."
"i can't trust you."
"luke everyone makes mistakes i promise i'll listen to you."
luke started to cry again as michael said those words.
"no. i can't, i can't do this anymore michael."
"so, it's over..?" michael questioned.
"yes." luke said with a stern tone.
hi guys. i fell out of all of the "fan fiction" and "tickling is so cute!1!1!1" and "muke 4 ever XD" so is ending this story here. i might continue writing but i'm not sure. i'm sorry for the inconvenience. i wanted to finish this and it's currently 12am on a saturday morning with so much to do this weekend. i'm currently listening to woke up in japan and shaking. i don't want to make any of you upset because i've gotten multiple multiple comments saying they loved this story. i wanted to go out with a bang. i'm sorry i made michael really mean in this but i did in the whole story.
by the way, i love michael and crystal. again while i said that i wasn't comfortable writing about muke whole mystal was going on that also takes play in this. i also feel awkward writing about this. i'm also really insecure about my writing and i write things more based around my depression and my anxiety. again, my personal instagram is @/_.midnightkisses._ on instagram and my fan account for dan and phil is @/_catchfirephan_
i post on both regularly. it was a nice run while it lasted. please don't be too angry? if you'd like to talk to me personally just message me on instagram. if you don't have instagram, well i'm sorry. goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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