Ugh andrew!

500 9 14

It was a normal day in Luke and Michaels life, well they thought.

Around lunch time Luke's dad, Andrew storms into their flat to yell at Luke, calling him a bunch of names and making a scene, it scared Michael, he didn't know what to do.

"Oh my god Lucas! What the actual fuck?! You have a place with that thing? Oh my god."

"He has a fucking name, and a gender, before you fucking insult Michael insult me, slap me, punch me, kick me, it won't effect my life at the littlest! You've already fucked up as a father and can't do anything more! Shut the fuck up and get out of my fucking house now."

"Ha! No! Never, you're MY son, I can do whatever, the fuck, I want to."

"Michael please go in the other room." Luke said looking at Michael.

Michael not hesitating rushed out of the room.

"Oh my god! I knew my son was queer but I didn't know he was a dumbass!"

"Dad, get out before I call the cops."

"You're going to call the cops on me?! I could easily get you murdered."

"Get out!" Luke now yelling.

"Don't yell at me Lucas." Luke's father said moving closer to him.

Andrew smacked Luke's cheek as hard as he could pushing Luke to the side. He left a blusterous mark on the side of his cheek.

"You see why you don't yell at me! I'm your father, I deserve respect! I made you."

"According to your acorn of a brain, you made me, but in actuality my mother made me, thank you for your dumbass opinion though! At least you tried."

"You smartass." Luke's father mumbled.

"Leave my house now."

"In your dreams."

Luke ended up pushing his father out of the house and locked the door.

"Michael you can come back into the lounge room now."

Michael got up, shaking and crying, then hugged Luke really tight.

"Mikey, it's fine, we're fine, nothing's going to happen."

"B-but h-he sm-acked y-ou."

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt."

"B-but th-that's no-t o-kay."

"I know baby, but I'm okay."

"A-are y-ou s-ure?"


After 20 minutes Michael was still shaking and sniffling, Luke wiped the tears that stained Michaels cheeks and Looked up at Luke's ocean blue eyes. Michael looked back down and snuggled into Luke's stomach and Luke held him in his arms.

Michael started crying again, because he heard the slap of his boyfriends face from his father in his mind again, haunting him.

"Mikey stop crying."

"I-I ca-nt."

"I'll make it so you can." Luke smirked getting Michael and put him on the floor pinning him down.

"What are you doing?!" Michael questioned frantically squirming around trying to get out from Luke.

"You aren't going anywhere." Luke grabbed strong tape and tapped his hands above his head and his ankles.

He got on top of Michael and straddled him. Michael now knew what was going to happen, and Luke was going to act like a dad and to his son. (LMAO OK IM SORRY MY MIND WENT A DIFFERENT WAY EW SKYLAR GET A LIFE.)

Luke wiggled his hands above his stomach and Michaels eyes got as big as grape fruit. He dug into his stomach.

"Tick tick tick tick tick!!" Luke cooed and tickled Michaels stomach normal.


"Not until you promise to be happy."


"Well, you're too cute and you're already tied up so sorry mikey."

Luke moved to Michaels armpits and dug into them as hard and fast as he could.




"And I should do that because?"


Luke started rubbing his hip bones making Michael giggle but softly, and made him move around.

"I feel like a monsters gonna come out soon! Do you know what it's name is?"


"I don't think the monsters name is Luke please don't, try again."


"Oh god! Oh god I'm changing! The tickle monster wants some tickles, he's hungry."

Michael squeaks and squirms trying to get away off of his touch.

Luke blew into Michaels sensitive stomach and made Michaels eyes screw tight and shift around.


After an hour of Luke being the tickle monster, and an hour of what felt like ever for Michael, Luke got off of Michael and gave him one last raspberry on his little tummy. Michael was now okay and happy, so was Luke. They watched movies for the rest of the days and cuddled, they loved days off like these, even if little shit things happen, they block it out with the little good things.

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