Oh michael, its called payback.

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The next morning Luke woke up and started rubbing Michaels rib cage and his stomach, he dug his hands into both body parts making Michaels eyes shoot open.

"luhuhuke whahaht arhhre yohohou dohohoigngng?!" Michael squealed and swatted at Luke's hands.

"Pay back for yesterday."


"No buts, shut up."


"Let's call your mum shall we? Or your dad, which one little Mikey?"


"Gotta pick one Mikey."

"Mihihihy dahahahd!!!"


Luke rang Michaels dad asking:
"Hi Mr.clifford, as you know Michael and I are together, he's been bad lately and I wanted to see if you knew anything that about I don't know, tickling? Like things you used against him and such."

"Oh yes, he was never a really ticklish person but I do know some things that he doesn't like at all."

"Yes and those are-"
"dad don't!!!" Michael screamed so his dad could hear.

"Is that Michael?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"Tell him to shush."

"I did, now keep going."

"Whenever he was about two or three years old and even older I'd lay him on his back, and raise his arms and poke around his hollows, I'd go from the top of his ribs and walk my fingers up to his armpits and say 'mikey what is that? Is that a little armpit I see?' And then tickle his armpits, that's all I really know, his mum is better at this sort of stuff."

"Okay, thank you again."

"Good talking to you luke."

"You too." Then he hung up, he looked down at Michael and he could see the scare in his eyes.

"Wh-what' di-d he te-tell you?" Michael stuttered.

"Oh nothing, just something he did when you were around 2, or 3 years old."

"Oh god no." Michael shifted around and tried getting away from Luke.

"Raise your arms."

Michael obeyed sheepishly and Luke started.

He started from the top of his rib cage and walked his fingers up, saying "mikey, what is this? Is it a little armpit?" Then he dug into his little hollows.

Michael bursted into a fit of giggles and moved around.

"I wonder if it'll work on any other spots, let's try."

Surely enough it worked, the room was filled with Michaels giggles and movement.

Luke hit a special spot in his stomach and it made Michael squeak and buck his hips up and his giggles went up an octave.

"Is this a sweet spot?" Luke smirked and dug into it again making Michael squeak and squirm.

"LUHUHUKEHEHE PLEEHEHEHEAAE!!!!!!" Michael screamed like a little girl.

Luke moved to Michaels spot and dug into his stomach once more, then he stopped.

"Ok you're done now." Luke said and let Michael go.

"What was that for?!?"

"Paybacks a bitch."

"Okay but you didn't have to call my dad!"

"I found a weak spot so watch out Clifford." Luke bent down to kiss his forehead.

"You're so evil."

Luke poked the part of his stomach making him curl up and giggle "sure?"

"No I love you you're an angel!" Michael basically screamed.

"Good, I love you."

"I love you too."

luke's tortureWhere stories live. Discover now