She Loves You

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The two hurried down the street, Tessa's arm tucked into Paul's.

"What are you doing, Paul?" Tessa laughed as he ran with her down the street. She was trying to keep up with his long strides while praying she wouldn't slip on the icy sidewalk.

"We're gonna be late!"

"Late to what?" Tessa questioned, having to yell over the wind. The dress of her skirt kept flying up and she was having a difficult time holding it down, not to mention the shocking cold on her exposed legs. Tessa hopped their destination wasn't too far.

Most of the street was dim, save for a few sporadic streetlights, but one building stood out from the rest. Lights were flashing and it looked all warm and inviting. When they got closer, Tessa realized what she had been looking at was a movie theater.

Paul slowed down in front of the movie theater and secretively slipped on a bowler hat and turned up the collar of his jacket.

"You're taking me to see a movie?"

Paul nodded but didn't say anything, not wanting to take a chance that someone might recognize his voice. There were a few other people milling about outside, including a young couple on a date.

They got in line behind an elderly couple. As they waited to buy their tickets, Tessa observed the two. They weren't acting lovey-dovey, like the young couple on a date. But the little things, like him pulling her close when she shivered or how they held hands underneath their coats, showed their affections for each other. Tessa hoped she'd have that someday.

When they got up to the window, Paul leaned towards the ticket taker and grumbled something that was impossible for her to make out. He fished in his pocket and pulled out several coins, giving them to the man behind the counter and taking two tickets in return.

"What movie are we seeing?" Tessa asked as Paul lead her inside.


The movie ended up being some French film. But even with subtitles, it was difficult for her to pick up on what was going on. She looked over at Paul and noticed he didn't seem to have the same problem. He looked enraptured with the screen and was even mouthing along with the characters.

She sighed and looked around the tiny theater. The nice thing about sitting in the back was that you could observe people without them noticing you. She saw the young couple from outside sitting in the front. The two were leaning in so close, that it looked like one big body. There was also a middle aged man sitting far away from anyone else, totally engrossed in the film. There were a few other people scattered throughout the room. Otherwise, the theater was empty.

"Psst! Paul...Paul!" Tessa whispered.

Paul glanced over at her. Only half paying attention to Tessa.

"What's going on?" Tessa asked.

"Uh.. What do you mean, what's going on." He whispered.

"I mean in the movie! What's going on in the movie?"

"Haven't you been paying attention at all?"

"Paul, I don't speak French!" Tessa gave him an incredulous look.

"Oh..." He flushed with embarrassment. "Right... Um...Here, I've got something that's gonna make the movie much more interesting." He reached inside his big jacket and pulled out a bottle of wine.

"Is that the wine from the restaurant?" Tessa leaned in, trying to see the label better.

"Champagne actually, but yes, it is. Maybe it will make the movie more tolerable for you."

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