Love Me Do

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Paul and Mike walked into the sitting room to see their Dad and Tessa waltzing across the floor.

"What's going on in here?" Paul asked as they both set down the heavy bags that they were carrying.

"Son," Mr. McCartney let go of Tessa's hands and walked over to Paul, clapping him on the back. "It's good to see both my boys home again."

"It's good to be back."

"Tessa was just showing me some moves." Jim answered Paul's question. "She's much better than this old man, that's for sure."

"I'm not surprised." Mike cut in and laughed when his father threw him a look.

"I'm not that old, Mike." Jim admonished his son. "So, where were you two this morning?" He asked pointing to the bag.

"Oh," Paul looked down. "We just visited some old friends in Speke and then we decided to go shopping for stuff around the house." Paul said, pointing to the bags they had just set down.

"Yeah," Mike interjected. "And we were planning on visiting some of the old neighborhoods, but this goober just had to be recognized." He grabbed Paul in a headlock and ruffled the to of his hair.

"Hey now!" Paul protested, fighting against his brothers' grip on him. "I can't help it if the ladies enjoy me more than you."

"Oh, sod off." Mike countered, releasing Paul, who immediately fell to the floor.

As the boys were in the middle of their banter, Tessa collapsed into an available chair, still reeling from everything Jim discussed with her. It was hard to believe that the same Paul that his father had been talking about was the same one the was joking with his bother at the moment.

He looked so happy at the moment, and yet, Tessa knew all too well that behind his smile lay a much deeper story.

"Whadya know," Mike suddenly move over next to Tessa. "What's this beautiful specimen doing by herself?" He asked, making Tessa blush.

"Alright," Paul frowned, making his way over to the chair. "Back off, Mikey. She's here with me." He put a protective arm around Tessa's shoulder and glared at his younger brother.

"Calm down, Paulie." Mike said, putting his hands up in defense. "Of course she came with you. I would remembering I brought home a face like that."

"Michael..." Jim sternly said from his area of the sitting room.

"Sorry Dad." Mike awkwardly rubbed his neck. "Pleasure to meet you." He quickly recovered, shoving his hand into Tessa's face.

"Likewise." Tessa grabbed his hand and responded appropriately. She gave Mike a little smile. He seemed harmless enough, just like her brother. "I'm Tessa, by the way."

"Are you boys hungry?" Jim asked. "I can make you some eggs."

"I'm alright, dad. Thanks though." Paul answered. "Actually, I was just hoping to see if Tessa would like to do some more sight seeing with me." He said, movingly in closer to Tessa, who now had two McCartney boys on either side of her.

"Are you sure, son?" His father questioned. "I thought we were all going to catch up at home today." He sounded a little disappointed. But Tessa could understand. The poor guy had probably been looking forward to the day that both his boys would be home.

"I'm still here tomorrow, Dad." Paul pointed out. "We can catch up then. Anyways, I don't expect to be out all day. I promise, we'll be back before supper." He raised his right hand and pledged, making a big show of it.

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