Chapter 6 - Getting to know you

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It wasn't long after that Axel, Brandon and Marc joined us. Marc told us they had managed to get Raven into bed, where he was now snoring like a buzz saw. Amazing what drinking too much does! They'd also cleaned up the mess left from the broken coffee table, but refused to let me organise a replacement for them.

We enjoyed our pizza and passed the time with idle chitchat, the view of the West Ashley River in front of us, and the stars over our heads. The promise of the view from this roof was how Axel finally managed to get me here in the first place. He had found out the one thing I had missed most when I was in New York was being able to see the stars. It had been a long time since I had felt this free. It was over all too quickly though, when the guys suggested a retreat back to the twins' apartment to avoid the growing cold. No one wanted to risk waking the sleeping bear in the other apartment.

Once inside and warm, we started getting to know each other a little better. Turns out Axel WAS the nude model from the life art class that Gabe had dragged me to. I must admit, I definitely didn't remember him with clothes on, but with a body like his, I doubt anyone from the classes he has modelled for would pick him either. Marc and Brandon seemed to be enjoying the fact that neither Axel nor I had remembered that I had seen him naked. I couldn't let that go on.

I turned to Brandon and asked how he felt about Mariah Carey. Brandon looked confused, but the smirks that everyone else wore told me they had also heard the rumours.

"Uncle Phil had me look over the complaints that have been filed against your workshop for excessive noise. The neighbours really aren't enjoying her collection of greatest hits as sung by you. Don't panic though, even if someone wanted to file charges against you over it, I could have the case dropped quickly." I told him, while plastering my sweetest smile on my face.

"Fucking Avery" Brandon growled. Avery was another one that was enamoured with Kayli, only he didn't realise the extent of what was going on. After the craziness of the kidnapping, when they first met Avery, and the job with Ethan Murdock, Brandon found out about Avery's interest in cars and motorbikes, so when Brandon expanded his business to include car customisations as well as bikes, he offered Avery the job.

"It's getting late" Axel commented. "You should probably stay here for the night. It would be safer than driving home."

"I'll be fine! I wouldn't want to impose on you all. Besides I don't live that far..." My words were cut off by a yawn. I sighed in defeat, knowing now that I had let the yawn slip there was no way they were letting me drive home. "Ok, I'll stay, but I am sleeping on the couch. I wont take anyone's bed from them."

They all wanted to argue with me, but quickly gave up when they realised I wasn't going to budge. Corey, the sweetheart, grabbed me a shirt and some flannel pyjama pants for me to sleep in. Once changed, I headed back to the lounge room. The guys weren't in there; I could hear their hushed voices in the kitchen. They had left me a pillow and some blankets, though, so I wouldn't have to wait for them to get comfy. Once I had my makeshift ready and I realised I was still too wound up from my encounter with Raven earlier, I decided on some yoga to try and clam myself enough so I could sleep.

I was just coming up to my final downward facing dog, knowing this time the shirt would slip up my back – it was too big for me after all, I was prepared for the shirt to move. What I didn't expect was the gasp from the other side of the room when it did. I froze, panicked at the sound. He was seeing one of two things – the long scar that ran diagonally from my waist to my hip, or the angry red birthmark on my back that was often confused for some sort of burn. I was hoping it was the latter.

It seemed like minutes passed before Marc squealed "Kitty!" I cringed at the name, I hadn't heard it for a while, but straightened up to look at him. His eyes were wide and bright with excitement as he beamed at me. Axel looked amused at Marc being able to make such a noise.

"Uh, hi" was all I could manage.

Marc's squeal drew the attention of Brandon and Corey, who were soon in the room too, trying to work out exactly what was happening.

"What did you call her?" Corey sounded really confused. I tried not to let my amusement show.

"You guys remember when I went to New York a while back to train as a Yoga instructor, then when I came back I was telling you about the leader of our training, with the angry red mark on her lower back that I thought was a burn, that could fold herself neatly into a suitcase?" For someone who looked ready for bed 10 minutes ago, Marc sure looked wide-awake and full of energy now. 

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