Chapter 22 - Finalising Plans and Assessing the Damage

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Once I knew that I was being taken seriously in my concerns and that Victor was working on tracking Doyle's movements to see if there was any suspicious activity, I was able to relax a little and work with Phil and Sean to finalise the plan of Alexandria's death. After a little back and forth we decided on Mackenzie Rose. I had spent years with Phil's last name so now that I had to change names entirely, it made sense to me to incorporate Mrs Rose somehow. After all, she saved me just as much as Phil did.

It didn't take long to hash out the rest of the plan. Phil reached out to one of his off the books contacts, reserved strictly for the most dire of emergencies to arrange a full set of identification for me, as well as the paperwork that is needed when someone dies. From there, we decided that Phil would drop off one of my go bags with a set of scrubs, a hospital ID and a wig in it.

The plan was to fake my death overnight, during a shift-change, while there was a minimal number of staff. We would tamper with the heart monitor, and trick it into giving a false reading. Phil will be nearby at the time and will rush in to assist. I will also be there, in my scrubs and wig, offering assistance to Phil. Since my bed is currently in the ICU, we planned on using the cover of infectious disease to have the pillows and blankets that are shaped like a body inside a body bag incinerated as soon as possible.

Sean left the room shortly after we had the plans finalised to finish his rounds. Phil and I continued to talk for some time. It was mostly insignificant things. He asked how I found the time I had spent working with the aquarium, even though my visits had been infrequent. He knew that I loved all animals, sea, land and air, and that I had selfish reasons for taking the mission he placed me in with the Toma team. Despite his questions, I knew he was holding something back.

"How about you ask the real question that is on your mind Phil".

"I don't know what you're talking about", he claimed, fishing into his pocket for a fresh packet of his favourite candies.

"Uncle Phil, I have known you long enough to know when you are holding back. Spill it", I demanded.

"How do you feel about the Toma team? You have spent so much time together lately, what with everything that has been happening. I was wondering your opinion on them. We haven't had a chance to talk, just the two of us, since your mission started so I am wanting an update."

"Okay, Phil, I am pretty sure that your quote unquote mission to have me placed with the Toma team so I can assess them for suitability to remain with the Academy was all a front. You and I both know that they just need a cause they all want to fight for to bring them together." Phil feigned shock before looking slightly ashamed.

"Well, can you blame me? You were spending all your time on your own, working on Academy information. Whether it's the latest group of recruits that needed vetting, or a legal squabble that needed resolving. You take no time for you. I am worried about you Andy", he paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "Kenzie. I should get used to calling you that now. What's going to happen when Mrs Rose and I are no longer around? I had to make sure you at least had some friends to be there for you. Besides, from where I stand, it looks like they've found their cause. "

I completely understood what Phil was saying, but I was disappointed he didn't think he could just talk to me about it. It didn't help that he was standing there looking incredibly smug at the fact that my identity being compromised seemed to be enough to get them to work together as a team again.

"Aside from being disappointed by the fact that you didn't just talk to me about your concerns, I understand. I do like them Phil. I would prefer to get to know them better before I pass further judgement. With everything going on, I can't really give you more than that."

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