Chapter 14 - The Morgan Family Charity Gala, Pt 2

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"Andy, thank you for dealing with Jasmine. I don't think she took you seriously when you told her you were recording the signing of the documents. I am sorry to ask more of you, but are you able to emcee this evening? Hollywood here," He said, jutting his thumb toward the bumbling mess of a host with a ruined suit, "can't do it with his pants like that."

"Answer me something first, please Victor. Was this planned?" I had a feeling it was. The seam was a clean bust on what looked to be a brand new suit. It wasn't a tear in the fabric, but more like someone forgot to stitch it together. Victor had the decency to look embarrassed when I asked this, and taking in his expression, I quickly added, "Don't bother lying to me about it either. Who's idea was it?"

"I don't know what you are talking about" Victor tried to plead ignorance to the situation.

"Victor, I know it was a set up. That rip was too clean to be anything other than a deliberately unsewn seam. I can even start to understand the reason behind it. I will help you out; despite the fact we both know I don't always enjoy being the centre of attention, and that I like to have notice when I will be performing. What I need to know, in exchange for not leaving you without an emcee, is who put you up to this." I had a fair idea, but needed it confirmed before I decided on my next move.

Releasing a sigh, Victor finally came clean. "It was Axel's idea. He thought that if someone did happen to come looking for you here, making sure they knew exactly where to find you would be a good idea."

I moved my hand to indicate he should stop talking. I could hear our jazz band leaving the stage, which meant that it was time for me to step up. I knew I was looking murderous at this stage; even Raven was smart enough to stand back and not say anything. I didn't know if he had been in on that plan, but now wasn't the time to dig into that. Instead, I cocked my head to the side, pressing my finger into my earpiece, and made sure to speak very clearly.

"Corey, I assume that you were told what was going on." I didn't wait for a reply before I continued. "I don't appreciate being left in the dark on a mission, especially when I am the one that it directly impacts. Tell Axel that we will be discussing this the next time I see him; and that for his sake, he better not attempt to force the conversation tonight, because it will end badly for everyone involved."

I wasn't usually this ill tempered, but there were a handful of times it had managed to shine through. Victor was standing back now, recognising the tone I was using as one he had witnessed from me once before. Owen had tried to convince me that something was in my best interest without allowing me to even look at the situation or the possibilities. When it had become clear he was not going to take anything I had to say into consideration, I had tackled him through their coffee table. That incident, as well as the repeat with Raven, made me glad I never got around to buying a coffee table for my place.

The only reason that Owen and I had not come to blows after I had made my anger known the only way that was taken seriously was that North had lifted me off him and fought to keep hold of me until all my fight was gone. He had needed some help from Silas at one point, too.

I may not have had the self defence training that I have now, but I was a dirty fighter then, and may have taken both of their resident Greek speakers down with one well placed shot each. Everyone had turned to gape at Sang when she started howling with laughter, telling them all they deserved what they got for treating me like a toddler, including the usually unflappable Mr Blackbourne. Needless to say, they kept me informed of all possible steps from then on.

"He heard you." Corey replied, sounding very hesitant. "I think it is time to get Victor on stage. "

Making our way to the stage, Raven remained behind the curtains, in the wings, watching; ready to act if things went wrong. Victor made his way over to the bench seat at the piano, ready to perform when the curtains opened. I took the microphone offered to me by a stagehand, stood behind the opening of the curtains and took a deep breath before finally stepping through.

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