Chapter 27 - Raven's Date

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Once they worked out the order for our dates and the guys each worked out what they wanted to do, they decided I wouldn't know when each date would be or what order they decided on for them. Instead, they would tell me the morning of each date, as well as giving me suggestions on the most suitable clothing for our activities. I wouldn't learn what we were actually doing until we got to our destination. I had to admit, I loved the adventure that came with having no idea where we were going or what we were doing.

A few weeks after having moved into the house, I woke up one morning to Raven standing over my bed with a fresh cup of coffee. He waited for me to sit up before handing it to me but still said nothing.

"Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with waking up to your face, but you should probably say something. If I didn't actually know you, I would think you were some kind of creepy stalker or serial killer or something", I told him.

A wide grin spread across his face. "It's date day!"

I just sat there looking at him. I heard his words, but they weren't processing this early in the morning and especially before I had even finished a cup of coffee. He must have sensed my confusion because he added.

"We drew straws! It was the only way we could think of to fairly determine the order for our dates! I get to take you out first! So come on! Finish your coffee and get dressed!"

He was far too excited for this early in the morning. I just looked at him as he sauntered toward the door. He was looking over his shoulder at me the entire time, so I knew that he was trying to entice me to at least smile, but I really didn't have it in me yet. He made it to the door and I still had my 'it's too early for this' face on, so he waved a hand at me dismissively and started down the hallway. He didn't make it very far before he popped his head back into the room.

"Oh, you want to wear comfortable clothes. Like exercise stuff, or stuff that is looser fitting and tie your hair back. It could get knotted if you don't", he told me with a wink.

I stared at the spot where he disappeared, still trying to process everything that happened. I decided to work out what clothes I was going to wear, so I slid out of bed and wandered toward my closet as I sipped on the coffee he had brought in with him. It was yet another blend that Marc had been working on. He had been giving them to me to try over the last few weeks, but they were always slightly off. This one was much better and decided I would tell him as much before Raven and I left.

Our entire drive to the super secret date destination, Raven was full of energy. I almost wanted to ask him to pull over and let me drive just so I could make sure we got to wherever it was that we were going. Doing that would have meant he would have to tell me sooner though, and somehow I doubted that was going to happen. Instead, I got to spend the 40-minute drive we were on listening to him go on and on about how excited he was for what we were going to do.

"I have wanted to do this for years! This is so exciting! I'm glad you're coming with me!"

"Thanks, Rav, me too. Though I would be more excited if I knew what we were doing", I hinted.

He didn't bite. Instead, he turned up the radio and started singing along to a rock song I wasn't too familiar with. He continued singing right up until we pulled into a driveway leading to an airport hanger with a small plane in it. Pulling up, Raven ducked around the car and opened my door for me before I could even finish reading the sign telling me this place was owned by a skydiving company.

"Really?" I squealed as Raven took my hand and helped me out of the car. "We're going skydiving?"

It was my turn to be the over-excited child. I had wanted to skydive for years but never had anyone to share the experience with, so when I saw the sign, I was worse than Raven was the entire ride over.

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